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Last Sounding of Shofar

Kohen Ben Gadol (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6126-9 ©2010
Price: $24.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 526 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Messianic Judaism

A treasure of Godly Knowledge, Kohen teaches understanding of the Marriage Covenant, Baptism, the True about the Fall, Balaamism, Creation and the Laws of God. Can you handle the TRUTH

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Customer Reviews

  last sounding of the shofar , 09/03/2011
Reviewer: daren king
I never knew the complete story of the Children of Israel in the desert for 40 years and I did not know about the Balaamites. We should all be aware and very concerded over them. You should but this book most definately and it from cover to cover.

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  last sounding of the shofar , 09/03/2011
Reviewer: rubin sheparo
I don't know how he knows all these things but I do know that every word is true. No one that I know has done as much research as Konen has and no one else is willing to tell the truth...My Friends, this is a must read to understand our world......these are the things that has been hidden from man,,,UNTIL NOW!!!!!

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  Shofar , 09/07/2011
Reviewer: Ben Yahuda
This was great. I never had read the story of Balaam in the old testament in such a revealing way. Now I know what is happening in our world. I very much recommend this book.

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  Last Sounding of Shofar , 10/27/2011
Reviewer: Ephraim Shepard
I got it, I read it, I liked it

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