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Essence of Time

Michael Kenin (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5634-6 ©2009
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 103 pages
Category/Subject: SELF-HELP / Aging

Do you want to turn back aging and become young again? To be healthy and live longer? This is what I want, and here is a book describing the time-flow theory and the practical application of it.

You are about to read a book describing a truly amazing discovery that can change your whole world, and possibly put at your disposal the tools that control life and death. When we measure time with clocks we measure only the relative duration of time, since a clock mechanism works independently of the time flow. Experiments have shown that the time flow has some material properties as well, and it carries energy. This energy may cure illnesses or even reset our biological clocks. Time has been taken for granted. I hope that by the time you finish this book you will look at time with new perspective, and feel its power.

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