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Le Linguiste Trois 11e Intensif

Caroline Bigelow (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5607-9 ©2009
Price: $24.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 271 pages
Category/Subject: FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / French

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Topics: sports, in-depth study of various literary genres, including novels and poems.

Focus on speaking, reading, and writing skills. Readings: works of French Canadian writers.

Grammatical points covered:
- Formation of the plus-que-parfait, futur antérieur, and conditionnel passé
- Use of the futur simple and futur antérieur after conjunctions of time
- Subjonctif présent
- Passé simple
- Sequence of tenses with si+plus-que-parfait+conditionnel passé
- Formation and use of the participe present

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