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Breast Cancer: Women's Killer

Virgil Necula (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4558-1 ©2008
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 161 pages
Category/Subject: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diseases / Cancer

The book identifies treatment strategies that prolong patient’s life and improve chances of survival through non-aggressive clinical forms. The author believes that breast cancer is determined by an unknown virus.

This book clears up and updates breast cancer information book. It discusses early diagnosis, self examination, diagnostic mammogram associated with ultra sonogram, and questions the use of screen mammogram (unreliable results). For early spread metastasis equal MRI associated with SPECT-nuclear and nechenchement.

The book identifies treatment strategies that prolong patient’s life and improve chances of patient survival through non-aggressive clinical forms. The author is skeptical regarding the toxic – chemo therapy, the high dose bone marrow transplants, and other high cost therapies that, at best, provide six months of survival.

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