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Before You Divorce: 101 Things You Should Know

Dr. Percy Ricketts (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4229-9 ©2007
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 60 pages
Category/Subject: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Divorce

This book highlights 101 points that parents should read before divorcing. The author works with divorcing couples and with children. Make sure you read this book before you divorce.

Before You Divorce is designed for parents who might be facing significant challenges in their marriage, and for those who might be contemplating separation or divorce. The book highlights some interesting ideas about marriage and divorce of which all parents should be aware, before making the final step towards divorce. This information is from various sources including the author’s own professional thoughts and his experiences while counseling those who have separated or divorced. Make sure you are familiar with these 101 points before you divorce.

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Customer Reviews

  A MUST-READ , 10/01/2007
Reviewer: Clyde A. Bailey, PhD
Dr. Ricketts' latest book is a matter-of-factly treatment of some core issues that must be considered. The book makes for easy reading and complex consideration and addresses some critical issues that are bound to lead to extensive discussions. Informative, and brilliantly written, this book is relevant across all social and economic classes of society. A must-read for all those who are married, contemplating marriage and those who are seeking to end a marriage.

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