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Time & Opportunity

Roger William Capri (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4131-4 ©2007
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 95 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Buddhism / General (see also PHILOSOPHY / Eastern / Buddhism)

Don’t waste your life! Make the most of time and opportunity! Let these time-tested quotations inspire you to seize each day for God.

This book has one aim: to help encourage you to take advantage of the time and of the opportunities that you have to make your life count for God.

No one wants to reach the end of the road, look back on a wasted life, and wonder what might have been. Yet, sadly, it does happen. Wasted hours can easily turn into wasted days, months and years. Together, they add up to a wasted life.

Don’t waste your life! Let these time-tested quotations inspire you to make the most of your time, your opportunities and your life.

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