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The Pemberton Murders

Don E. Finegold (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3365-6 ©2006
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 248 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Suspense

Someone, until now, has gotten away with multiple murders. Forensic science may be the answer to correct a wrong and bring the guilty to justice. But maybe not…

The Pemberton Murders relates the life of a woman living with the onus her husband was a serial killer. She alone believes in his innocence, and that he was a victim rather than the murderer. The evidence indicates otherwise.

In the 1990’s she learns about DNA and forensic science and seeks help from a Private Investigator who was formerly a City of Pemberton police officer assigned to the case. She lays out a possible scenario that he attempts to discredit, but she has a plausible answer for all his doubts. Reluctantly he accepts her premise, and an awakening begins.

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Customer Reviews

  WOW!!! a wonderful read , 07/29/2006
Reviewer: Jerry Rosen
I have read all three books that Don E. Finegold has written and I found the Pemberton Murdeers to be the best of alll three.I could't wait to read the ending and how the author finally ended the plot--to be honest I almost skipped to the back to see how it ended-but with patience I waited and was amazed how he wove each character into the plot and scenes. This book held my interest page by page. I would heartedly recommend it as 'summer reading' as it kept me truly spell bound.

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