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Bodyguard Principles

Frank Sciacca, Jr. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3167-X ©2006
Price: $21.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 280 pages
Category/Subject: HOUSE & HOME / Security

Bodyguard Principles offers valuable information outlining every aspect of, assignments, responsibilities, skills, equipment, sociology basics, terrorism, intelligence gathering, safe houses, vehicle inspections, third parties, suspicious packages and more.

Bodyguard Principles exposes what it takes to be a bodyguard and provides valuable information on methods, concepts and theories to increase an individual’s knowledge, skills and experience. Subjects relating to the Central Command, Principle Detail and the Advance branch outlines different types of assignments and responsibilities relating to all members. Chapters include, Standard Conduct, Job Skill Outline, Equipment, Introduction to Terrorism, Gathering Personal Information, On-Line Information, Zone Security, Safe House, Vehicle Inspection, Third Party Contacts and Suspicious Packages. This unique book exposes every aspect and method for providing services in personal protection. There’s no room for errors in this profession.

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