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Curtains, Walls and Skewed History: A Soldier's View of World War II

Lee Mielke (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3050-9 ©2006
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 152 pages
Category/Subject: HISTORY / Military / World War II

The 20th century was a painful one. It was not just Hitler. A large part of the century was hushed-up, slow motion genocide. But, don’t talk about it, because it was committed by the “good guys.”

Curtains, Walls and Skewed History is an alternative perception of World War II and the Cold War. The book reveals the ineptitude of many of its anointed heroes. The author believes so many of the history book heroes, including prime ministers, presidents and generals were driven by ulterior motives and that these motives extended the wars, selected the wrong enemies, rewarded the foe and sometimes took up the banner of religious crusades. And, that this resulted in the needless deaths of millions of grunt soldiers as well as the civilian populace.

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