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Murdered in Medina

Bill McCarty (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2776-1 ©2005
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 96 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Short Stories (single author)

You never heard of Medina, Ohio. Right? You may not give a hoot about the people who live and lived there until you read this book.

You never heard of Medina, Ohio. Right? You may not give a hoot about the people who live and lived there until you read this book. We will bet this essay against a sawbuck you will enjoy these stories about ordinary people doing extraordinarily incredible things usually just for the fun of it. All of them lived in Medina, Ohio USA.

You know what? If you would take the time to ask a friend or neighbor about his or her life experience, you would be surprised to learn what interesting lives they too have lived right in your backyard, next door or down the street. Try it, you will have a ball and, more important, they will be pleased that you asked.

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Customer Reviews

  Murdered in Medina , 09/23/2005
Reviewer: Wayne Sheffield
It was a great little paperback.

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  Murdered in Medina , 10/13/2005
Reviewer: Andy Klimko
Having been born in Medina, most of the people you wrote aboutwere already in my memory, but it was good to revisit them

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