Baking Recipes of our Founding Fathers
Book Size:
8.5" x 11"
, 276 pages
COOKING / Methods / Baking
Authentic recipes from the family of every Signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Included are concoctions of Dolly Madison, Martha Jefferson, Abigail Adams and Martha Washington.
BAKING RECIPES OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS is a marvelous collection of delightfully different baking recipes favored by the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence and the 39 Signers of the Constitution. A number of these heroic men from America’s past are well known to Americans today (Washington, Franklin, Madison, etc.). Many others have been forgotten with the passage of time (Bassett, Hopkinson, Ross, etc.). Each recipe is followed by a brief biographical sketch covering interesting highlights of the person’s accomplishments, thoughts and beliefs.
Included are coveted treasures handed down over the many years within a family.
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