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Salon Success Secrets: Book 1: A Half-Million Job Openings

Kim Stevens (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1932-7 ©2004
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 91 pages
Category/Subject: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Careers / General

Change your life - in a salon! Boundless opportunity awaits students who seek new careers.

Salon Success Secrets are a must-read for every potential student, beauty school owner, or beauty professional who want to increase their revenue and job satisfaction!

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Customer Reviews

  Beauty Professionals--increase your income! , 11/07/2004
Reviewer: Beth
Increase your income! This first book of the series is jam-packed with great tips and practical advice for seasoned professionals and those just starting out in the beauty business. Every beauty school should recommend "Salon Success Secrets" to its students.

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