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The Rototiller in America

Donald A. Jones (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1806-1 ©2003
Price: $21.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 297 pages
Category/Subject: TECHNOLOGY / Agriculture / General

Throughout the written history of mankind improvement in farming has been recorded. For more then 90 years the von Meyenburg machine for mechanical rotary tillage has written a new chapter. This is the only book devoted to rototillers.

The rototiller as we know it started with the 1910 Patent by Konrad von Meyenburg of Switzerland. In his patent von Meyenburg detailed his power-driven flexibly mounted tines. The principle of his design as explained in his patent application is: “The power of earth cutting by edge tools depending mainly upon the sharpness, section and surface of the tools and their free cutting, I make them of small section and surface, preferably self-sharpening, elastic and independent; so that each edge, also rotated mainly in a circle, may give way laterally and backwardly, like the claws of a scraping animal, and follow the way of least resistance upon a trembling or shivery curve”. In the early 1930's with America and the rest of the world sinking into The Great Depression only three companies were involved in the walk behind rotary tillage industry. One started as a distributor of European machines, one modified European models and renamed them, and the last as a manufacturer.

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