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Be, Create and Change From A Basic Book of Creative Wisdom

Clyde E. Atkisson, Jr. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1429-5 ©2003
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 103 pages
Category/Subject: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

The God-Consciousness of All-That-Is can decrease the co-creating role of an individual.

The author continues to reside in Las Vegas, Nevada where he finds energy and stimulation from the mountain surrounded Las Vegas Valley. The burning red stone in the Red Rock Canyon and the cool air of Mount Charleston balance the energy charged lights and liveliness of the city. In addition to its other more publicized attributes, the Las Vegas Valley is a major spiritual vortex. How one chooses to use the energy of the Valley is his or her creative choice.

This third and final book in the Basic Book Of Creative Thinking series offers spiritual insight and awareness into “The Process of Creation” and describes our roles as responsible Co-Creators of reality. The book is offered to those seekers of their own inner knowledge and their own Divine nature as a confirmation of what they already know about their spiritual nature, but may not have placed into their own words.

In the Creative Process we are “all one” and are a part of “All-That-Is.”

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