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Morality & Citizenship: England Compared with Underdeveloped Countries

William Stephens (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-1419-8 ©2003
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 102 pages
Category/Subject: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civics & Citizenship

This is a new theory of national development which scans the nations of the world, and relates nations’ success to their citizens’ punctuality and reliability, devotion to the public welfare (instead of devotion to their family’s welfare), and abiding by rules and laws.

Democracies with modern economies require certain traits of their citizens. An example is the trait, doing what you say you’ll do when you say you’ll do it. This is a reason for the failures of underdeveloped nations. England is the ideal example of a modern nation with the required citizen-traits. “Anglos,” such as ourselves, are similar enough to be in this charmed circle. However a threat hangs over us all. This is the decline in marriage and the family.

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