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Wallace A. Brown Jr. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0439-7 ©2000
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 221 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / People of Color

A compelling story about a young man who blindly journeys through a life of misconception and false notions, into an adulthood of understanding and spiritual contentment. Stubbornness and closed-mindedness typify the life of a man as he rises from his own living hell, to a place where body and mind find their purpose in life.

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Customer Reviews

  wallace had an interesting life , 04/29/2004
Reviewer: jabier
Wallace lived the life of a super star. Lots of drugs and women and money. I think he should make a movie out of his life, it would make a lot of money. The only thing missing in this story(to make it a gangsta story) is guns. But if it was made into a movie it would do very good, the book was good but a lot of people don't read they need a picture, and that would really do it! So to Wallace Brown, good luck with your writing. oh yea my favorite part of the book is the part about is last and youngest son, I think he is a very interesting young man also with a bright future in hip hop music.

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