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The Ghost of the Ore Mountains

Dr. R. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0194-0 ©1999
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 305 pages
Category/Subject: JUVENILE FICTION / Fairy Tales & Folklore / Collections by a Single Author

Heinrich Rinderknecht (Dr. R.) was educated in Switzerland and England and is known internationally in the field of pancreatology. Affectionately called “Dr. R.” by his staff, he has published numerous scientific papers and co-authored several medical textbooks. Prior to his retirement he was professor of Medicine at UCLA School of Medicine. Currently he lives in Southern California with his wife, Peggy. The “Ghost of the Ore Mountains,” his second work of fiction, contains fourteen action-packed stories full of suspense and mystery that tell of an elusive ghost who used to haunt the lands and forests of Eastern Europe in times long past. The feats of this character are truly astounding. His kindness to the helpless and innocent and his cruel punishment of those who do evil will keep you on the edge of your seat to the end of the book.

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