The 1990's were very turbulent years since we were preparing ourselves for the new Age of Aquarius. Every facet of our lives was to be affected. Relationships in particular went through big changes. The times were to be complex, fast paced, and sex oriented. We are going to see more divorces, separations, if necessary death of a partner, to free the more spiritually developed soul to find a more compatible mate. Disharmony will not be tolerated once we enter the new age. We will see more environmental disasters, a big change in the weather, more wars and a possibly a third world war. Violence will continue devastating cities and the world will encounter more "unnecessary deaths".
We must change the way of thinking that the age of Pisces imposed upon us, an age when we thought that suffering and sacrifice were necessary to save ourselves. It was also an age where the rich would never enter the kingdom of heaven, yet we proceeded to become materially oriented. The Piscean age has been described as the beginning of the Christian era and mental outlook of the age of ignorance. It contained a very narrow and conservative outlook. At its best, it proclaimed love of home, family, possessions, country and religion; things because they belong to us, they are ours. We became egotistical, possessive and very prejudiced of everything that threatened that thinking. We felt strongly about things. We did not think; others thought for us; we followed and were anti-this and pro-that. Old ways were good enough for us; we never questioned. We believed in wars as necessary evils and we had plenty of them. We loved comfort, luxury. We were very contented to be preached, and dictated to so we would not have to think for ourselves. It has been an age of quantity; too much sex, too much food, too much comfort, too many possessions, too much freedom, too much free time.
The Aquarian age has a viewpoint totally opposed to the Piscean. The outlook is broad and more liberal; quite opened to chance at any moment. It proclaims love of humanity without distinctions. Beauty and harmony are of utmost importance and are good qualities found everywhere. Quality is more desired than quantity. Enjoyment and appreciation of nature and beauty replace possessions. Race, creed, religion do not limit love; love will be all encompassing. Love will be a state of mind and not emotion. Love comes through understanding, not feeling. Sharing and giving without expecting to receive will be a common trait. The age will be group centered instead of self-centered and inclusive instead of exclusive. It will be an age of rebels who want to know through our own thinking, not through someone else's. It will be an age of mutual growth through acceptance of our spirituality, instead of trial and error relationships. In the Age of Aquarius we will change our way of thinking to one of group activity and partnerships, a we-thinking rather than the me-thinking of the age of Pisces.
People are learning to enjoy freedom, to choose and search for happiness without being influenced by social and religious norms. The age of Pisces stressed individuality while in the Aquarian age we will search for our counterparts (people similar to us that will help us grow spiritually). Our souls yearn for that partner known in another place, another time. We are now better aware and equipped to be able to find ways and means to have better relationships. One way to do this is through comparison of numbers as given in this book.
During the Age of Aquarius we will believe because we have investigated and questioned because we must have logical answers. Ignorance is not going to be tolerated. We free ourselves of karma (an act committed in another time that needs balancing) by acknowledging it instead of suffering as we did during the age of Pisces. We are entitled to have good, compatible relationships. In the soul awareness all time is now and divisions do not exist so we are continually united. If this were not true there would be no differentiation between Pisces and Aquarius, and the world would continue to be restless and yearning for the unattainable.
We have used reasons for marriage that can not possibly lead to a happy union. We continue to use the age of Pisces stereotypes: sex, security, mingling of names and fortunes, religion, status, even nobility. These are obsolete reasons for a union in the Age of Aquarius. The relationships that will endure are those based on similarities through spiritual growth. We will be able to see that love can and will survive, conquer evil and put adversity to shame with no ill effects. The sexual, casual relationships leave a trace of negative vibrations. If there is no love in the experience, these negative vibrations are going to eventually replace all our positive ones. These will not be easy to be replaced unless we do a major cleanup job. AIDS and impotence and a lack of enjoyment and thrill in relationships on a one-to-one basis are the results of these loveless encounters. "Such relationships leave a static that will keep attracting negative situations of a low vibration and form a never-ending merry-go-round of poor experiences. When a highly evolved soul (one who has devoted time and effort to its growth) gets involved in one of these relationships, the energy is lowered and it might be difficult to climb back to where one was. We have an obligation to ourselves to cut ourselves free from a relationship that is pulling us down." We can learn from another person but we can not expect another person to make us happy or whole. It is our responsibility to become whole, that is, to know ourselves, and understand what we lack in our makeup. We must make an effort to change it and replace it with positive energy. No experience is lost no matter how hard; we always learn something or we just balance a debt. We have to be careful that it doesn't set us back in our growth.