If you're reading this book, you've either been promoted to purple belt, you're trying to see what you'll be studying in the future, or you're reviewing for higher rank testing. No matter which situation applies congratulations!
If you have just been promoted to purple belt, you are entering the second phase of your training at Northern Chi. Over the next three ranks, you will begin to understand application relating to your material. You will see how the forms and set techniques can come to life under various situations. You will learn how these techniques were developed and how to apply basics to spontaneous situations. You will begin to explore how many parts of your body can be utilized as weapons, and you will gain new insights into the development of internal power.
You will also attain new levels of physical conditioning. You'll discover personal limitations and you'll recognize personal strengths. Be realistic with where you are in your physical development and strive for improvement along a slow, steady and safe path.
You will probably also come to a crossroads in your training.
The road to the right is an expressway. This is the road for those who are now confident in their skills and want to get to black belt as soon as possible. This road is for those who know they've got what it takes and will let nothing stand in their way. Be careful on this road. Like any smooth stretch of highway, one can exceed the speed limit without realizing it! The penalty for speeding is compulsion, disillusion and failure.
The road to the left is a dirt road full of potholes and washouts. This is the road for those who feel lucky just to have made it this far. This is the road for those who doubt their abilities, who don't feel they deserved to reach this level. This is the road for those who don't believe they can make it to black belt at all. Break down on this road and there's no help, no gas stations, phones or patrols.
In the middle, there's an old winding, country road. This road sometimes merges with the expressway for a short distance, and often runs parallel to the old dirt road where you can make little side trips. It's a good road, not the fastest, nor the slowest. The scenery is nice, but sometimes it gets a little tedious. It passes through a lot of little towns where you can stop and rest and ask for directions. Now the time has come for you to pick which road you want to travel!