THE WALLS OF AN ENIGMATIC SOUL How important is a one of a kind lifelong connection to you? A choice is made when hiding behind a facade with walls erected, and thinking that revelations are a weakness - creating a void. A vibrant personality that can’t shine through, so the world can embrace the special person that you are. Do you feel that you are of a higher esteem of knowledge, or of experience, that separates you and I? Does hiding or being contrary give the feeling of security, from the world of hurtful thoughts and deeds, although to those on the outside it appears as deception. What is covered in darkness, must be revealed in the light. You can’t build healthy friendships and communicate, if you are afraid to show who you truly are. It’s time to release the fears and the barriers, that keep you trapped from the infinite flow of emotions. Love and trust are such important fulfilling ingredients, and the mask must come off first in order to grow, into your God given life’s purpose in this world. We are all learning as the days pass, and no one – no one is perfect. The struggle is real, and we all go through things on some level, It’s what shapes us into who we are. Isn’t it more peaceful, to be able to accept who you really are, and relax, to let me in? ___________________________________________________________________________
Live and create memories today, Which become the pearls and jewels, For the dreams of the heart, In the tomorrow’s to come.
Live for the future, Not the past. The past shapes who we are, But only living in the present, Can give us a glimpse of what magic lies ahead.
Being open to change, Can unlock the doors, To life in the now. So many possibilities abound, As long as you believe…
You can only reap, All the benefits of the future, If you are open to change. The choices are ours, And ours alone.
What path will you choose? I choose to embrace change…