Everyone has their own perception on the meaning of abundant living. This section will focus on the truth behind living in this way. According to Ephesians 3:20, GOD wants us to live a full life. A fullness of life or abundance that consist of peace, joy, happiness, and prosperity. When we live in the spirit, He allows us to tap into His power which means we should have NO limits to what we can accomplish. In doing so, there is also a strength you acquire that builds up your mind, body, and soul. The opposite of living abundantly could be damaging to your life and lead you on a road to self-destruction. The way to know you have not acquired living in abundance you experience emptiness, you're never satisfied, and you seek meaning in your life. The list goes on but the few effects mentioned lead you to a damaging cycle including but not limited to sadness, anger, and depression. Now would you agree the majority of us are not living abundantly? This means, you are not living the life GOD promised to those that live according to His will (John 10:10). You deserve it! So how do you get it? The answer is in this guide but the challenging question is, “Do you want it enough”? Are willing to do what it takes to change your life for the rest of your life? That's the real question here, which leads me to the next section. This will set the stage so you can get prepared for what’s about to happen in your life. Do You Want It Enough? This is a question that is asked a lot for various reasons. In this case, you must be ready to face your past and present demons. These demons are what I call blessing blockers. Blessing blockers play a major part in the pain that changes anything that coincides with the way GOD designed you. GOD can truly deliver you out of your mess but you have to make some faith moves first. If you truly want to obtain the promised life GOD wants you to have, you must let go of the past as well as present pain in your life. It is what you are holding on to that is stopping you from living the life you deserve. So I ask the question again. Do you want it enough? Are you willing to do what it takes to elevate your life to the next level? You are supposed to live a full abundant life, wealthy emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. If you have a gap in either one of those areas, your life is incomplete. The fact you are reading this book reveals you are at the point in your life where you have made a choice to do something different. Since you made this decision, please note it takes commitment, focus, and strong will power. Most importantly, it takes having faith in GOD and trusting the fact, He knows what is best for us. I can personally look back on my life and see all the trials, pain, and hard life lessons I've endured. These things are all a part of what built me to be the strong woman of GOD I am today. As a result, the things I have conquered through GOD took my life to another level in all areas of my life. While going through certain things, I didn't understand but now I am thankful for the good and bad GOD allowed in my life. If He could help me conquer molestation, child abuse, rape, family betrayal, a hurting marriage, and deliver me from my besetting sins (sins that can't be seen physically), He can definitely help you. I used to feel self-pity, anger, bitterness, and so much more. I even resorted to massive weight gain, suicidal thoughts, and dependence on depression pills. I knew GOD called me to work for Him, but I lost sight and hope. I used to wonder why GOD gave me certain gifts but I could never move forward. It wasn't until I hit a major tragedy, things changed. I became homeless at one point, someone took me in and at this point I hit a fork in the road. I could of gave up and be on my way to hell or I could suck it up and seek GOD's face. This was the biggest test I had in my entire life. In this spiritual transition, I learned to let go of the pain I've encountered, forgive others as well as myself, trust GOD, and most importantly live solely for GOD. See I've been a believer in GOD all my life but I have not been living according to his word. You may ask what is the difference? If a person actually displays love for our Father by living in the Spirit, GOD is pleased. In addition to that, I have a secret to tell you. Obedience opens the door to living a full life with peace, joy, and prosperity, sound familiar? There are some steps you must complete in preparation of letting go so you can start living and stop just existing. Step 1: Get Out of Denial/Self-Destruction A lot of us go through so much and have to be strong for others. As a result of this, we have unconfessed sin. We cover up our past and simply look over it as if it never happened. If you do this, the result will cause major stress, anger, and depression. You must be ready to unveil the things that are ruining your life. Once this pain is revealed, confess, and be ready for change because it is coming. Step 2: You Have To Change the Way You Think This will be discussed in way more detail later and is very important to remember. If you stay in the same mindset, you will have many setbacks to prevent you from moving forward.