The Art of Self-Confidence: 7 Strategies for Holistic Transformation expounds on strategies which when implemented lead to a dynamic, authentic and confident person. This inspirational resource examines the connection between psychological blind spots of self-doubt and damaged self-esteem, both rooted in negative childhood experiences. In addition, this handbook helps one become a more confident person while increasing one’s spiritual growth. This book is profoundly influenced by biblical truths and scripture. Furthermore, it is written with a Christian perspective and has universal appeal. Each powerful strategy provides a piece of the puzzle needed for the holistic transformation. The holistic philosophy is to nourish the entire being: body, mind and spirit. The transformation formula in this book seeks to formulate the changes needed in appearance, character and temperament. Most likely, all parts of our being have been neglected and violated and are in need of repair. Therefore, if we ignore any of these areas in the holistic transformation there will be a deficiency in the healing process. The Art of Self-Confidence awakens the spiritual powers that sometimes lie dormant, but which are essential energy forces that heal emotional pain and problems that drain our confidence. These emotional elements often masquerade as shyness, social anxiety disorders, superior or inferior complexes and the like. This ground-breaking new book explores principles that will have a profound impact on one’s development and life. These principles will persuade one to look at circumstances and situations in a different and more meaningful way. The guidance provided in this book will prove invaluable for those who seek self-assurance. Rev. Dr. Knight shares her personal history of life experiences that had weakened and wounded her self-esteem and confidence. Some of these injuries were caused by various people and situations, while other wounds were self-inflicted. Writing this book has been therapeutic and has helped her reclaim, rebuild and identify her own true self by releasing and nurturing the soul. You too can elevate and enhance your confidence by activating the power in the seven strategies presented in this book. Understanding and evaluating one’s past history can heal one’s future by releasing forgiveness and discovering a new remarkable person, you. Psalm 139:14 tells us “I am wonderfully made…” To accomplish the main objective of this book, answers are offered for some underlying questions integrally related to developing into a confident person. They are the following questions: • How can we develop into an authentic, confident person? • How can we discover our authentic self and our destiny? • How can we develop spiritual strength and character? • How can we best identify and conquer our social anxiety disorders? • How do we prevent the struggle of falling back into old patterns of negative behavior? • How can we increase our self-love and self-respect? • How can we stop being paranoid and recognize, through authentic body language and conversation, the true motives of others? • How can we stop rehashing the past and blaming ourselves or others for mistakes rather than using them as learning tools? • How can we cope with change and change what we can ourselves? • How can we control unpleasant feelings of fear and apprehension? • How can we attract the type of people in our life that we want to become? The Art of Self-Confidence is based on the premise of seven strategies that provide the blueprint necessary to become a confident person. The author’s goal is nothing less than for your life to become that of an exceptionally self-confident person. This book will get you there and help keep your mind renewed and flourishing at the highest level of development and achievement. We will take this journey and challenge together with passion, purpose and courage. Please do not become overzealous to achieve your goals by putting too much pressure on yourself. My beloved godfather Willard always said, “Slow but steady wins the race.” An important point to focus on is getting better, seeing “improvement”. You may never be the life of the party; however, you can be a star in your own unique way. Be yourself, but a new and improved you who can look back and see your progress with joy, self-love and gratitude. The apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 3:14, “…but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize.” The book’s strategies are as follows: Strategy One – To understand the definition, principles, techniques and personal growth needed to become a confident person. Strategy Two – To understand the cleansing process required for a spiritual purification transformation that results in self-confidence. Strategy Three – To understand the benefits of studying body language to improve self-image and know what other people are really thinking. Strategy Four – To understand why self-love and self-respect are essential components for confidence. Strategy Five – To understand how to eliminate shy behavior that inhibits self-confidence. Strategy Six – To understand the procedures and techniques to overcome social anxiety disorders. Strategy Seven – To understand and implement the seven-step action plan for confidence. The Art of Self-Confidence will provide all the cornerstones needed to build a solid holistic transformation. By giving you a steady diet of faith, biblical scriptures and the formula for peace and self-confidence, this diet will persuade you to look at circumstances in a different and more meaningful way. You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “You can do the thing you think you cannot do.” You are able to say to yourself, “I lived through this horror; I can take the next thing that comes along.” This book provides the tools and inspiration for the process.