This book is written to shatter the myth that the Supreme Court is supreme. On the contrary, the false supremacy, assumed by the Supreme Court, is the underlying cause of many of the real problems facing us today. Many court rulings, as well as the unintended consequences that followed, have proved disastrous. This will come as a shock to many. Christian Americans should welcome this book and recognize the obvious that has been overlooked. Atheists and most democrats will not like it and probably won’t read it because it will shatter their preconceived beliefs. They generally march in lock step with what the news media has directed. Any criticism by them, historically, will be directed at the messenger, and not the message. The first part of the book is a brief history of the nation’s founding. It briefly shows, by irrefutable documentation, that we were founded as a Christian nation under God. The nation solidly and unapologetically recognized the God of the Bible as the supreme ruler of the universe and the originator of the natural law upon which our nation was founded. While civilization has existed and struggled for several thousand years, within only 300 years this nation rose from a wilderness to become the greatest nation on earth. By 1950 the country had survived several wars including two great world wars, and even a divisive Civil War that pitted brother against brother, but never wavered in its belief in God. The nation fell victim to its own success. Prosperity led many to believe they didn’t need God anymore. Darwinian evolution became popular and was a direct attack against God. The Scopes monkey trial in 1925 was won by the Christians but evolutionists won the publicity battle and atheism soon became socially acceptable. Led by the false belief that science had proven the earth to be millions of years old, the nation slowly succumbed to the anti-Biblical beliefs. Many citizens, as well as many Christian churches, accepted the false evidence and tried in various ways to compromise God’s word with the atheist belief of millions of years. The judicial powers are clearly established in the Constitution. The Judicial system is the third branch of government along with the Executive and Legislative branches. Each branch of government is to provide checks and balances so no one agency could have too much control. The Justices in the Supreme Court soon arrogantly believed, in their own minds, that they really were supreme. Charles Evans Hughes, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1930-1941, declared that “We are under the Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is.” After freeing themselves from the clear wording of the Constitution, the Court also freed themselves from Art I Section I that states “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” In a clear violation then, the Court started writing its own laws, based not on the Constitution, but on what the Court wanted the law to say. The Supreme Court misinterpreted the First Amendment that said “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” They changed it to a wall of separation that was to kept high and impregnable, and effectively threw God out of the public sphere, Bibles out of the public schools and all Christianity out of public areas. The Supreme Court established themselves as the new god of the nation. The judicial system was changed to a legalistic system that ignored justice but relied on previous court rulings. Court rulings were considered law, and the expression “Case Law” became the law of the land. Legalism soon destroyed the right to a fair jury trial. A defendant could not present evidence in his own defense without prior court approval. The Miranda ruling (law), based on two wrongs make a right, was dreamed up by the Court and resulted in many criminals going free. The Court admitted using novelty interpretations of words by referring to permutations and emanations, as well as outright lies. In the infamous Roe v Wade ruling the Court claimed they couldn’t tell when a new life began. Public school biology books, decades old, clearly described in detail, that a new life begins at conception. This ruling alone resulted in 55 million babies killed in the womb, and still counting. A number as great as all those murdered by all the world’s evil dictators in the 20th century. Many other examples of a Court run amok are discussed in detail. This book clearly shows how the arrogance of the Supreme Court Justices is leading to the destruction of the nation by establishing themselves as the new god of the nation and changing our Constitutional Republic, and a nation under God, to a government totally controlled by an arrogant and unelected Judiciary. I am not the first to discover this. Many authors have seriously questioned the Supreme Court’s actions in the past and have nearly always been ignored. In a letter to Charles Hammond in 1821, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary, an irresponsible body,(for impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one.” The real challenge is how can citizens react in a peaceful nation when legal authority has been corrupted by personal egos of those on the highest court. Why not have the Attorney General of Christian activist states simply refuse to accept the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade ruling that permitted the killing of unborn living humans by choice and declare, under the Constitution, that intentionally killing any innocent human is murder.