Experiencing life through the eyes of another can at times be one of the greatest joys. However, it can also be one of our deepest sorrows. It can inspire us to do great things never before imagined, and it can call out of us qualities that we never knew we possessed. The ability to connect and identify with someone else’s story is one of the most timeless, yet most ignored, means of effecting change in existence today because too many people do not understand the power of their life story. Too many people are not convinced of their own greatness and how extraordinary they truly are due to what they’ve overcome. Too many people fail to realize how much of an impact they would have on the world around them if they simply took ownership of their life experiences, then applied intentionality and innovation in sharing their story with others who are struggling with the same problems they have already defeated. Therefore, this book has been written for people who are unsure whether they have a story, for people who know they have a story but have been too afraid to share it, and for people who are ready to share their story but are unsure of where to begin to share their story most effectively. Overcoming Obesity chronicles my life. It presents my battle with childhood obesity and the lessons that I learned along the way. Each chapter gives an account of different points in my life and different steps in my journey to Uncovering the Roadmap to My Sweetest Victory. As you read this book, may the contents guide you through the process of uncovering your own Sweetest Victory as well, as you follow the instructions in the “Personal Application” sections found at the end of each chapter. As you read, I encourage you not to rush though it; I encourage you to read through it several times until you fully grasp the Sweetest Victory concept and have successfully applied it to your own life. As you read each chapter, listen to the personal account included therein so that you can understand my process. Then, look for the life lessons that follow, and take note of the circumstances and situations in your own life to which they can be applied. These Personal Applications are designed to help you become more intimately familiar with your own life experiences. On this journey, you will be challenged to recall some of the highest of highs and lowest of low moments in your life, because each of these moments are vital to your achieving your Sweetest Victory. At first glance, it may appear that this book was written for people who are struggling with their weight, and that is true; this is one of the audiences for which this book was written. However, the true reader for whom this book was intended is anyone who is currently experiencing the greatest challenge of their life. It doesn’t matter what the challenge is, how long you’ve been dealing with this challenge, or how you’ve tried to overcome this challenge in the past. This book is for you. Parents, teenagers, athletes, professionals, executives, entrepreneurs, overweight and obese, anorexic and bulimic — it doesn’t matter who you are, because this book is for you. The ideas and principles shared in this book represent universal truths that can be applied to almost any situation. Sometimes we forget how great we truly are, and consequently, we allow life to defeat us. Therefore, this book was written with two primary objectives in mind: first, to remind you of what you’ve already accomplished in your life thus far, and second, to show you how to reconstruct this roadmap to success not only in conquering your current challenge but in other areas of your life as well. With these principles in hand, not only will you be equipped to successfully overcome any situation that you may encounter, but you will also be able to identify the specific group(s) of people whom you are uniquely qualified to serve and empower. It is my desire that the information you learn from this book inspires you to do just that.