There was a spirited debate taking place. Action was finally going to be taken; too long they watched from afar. What they saw reminded them of a fast spreading infectious malady. The infection would not cure itself. It had to be dealt with eradicated, only then would there be a complete healing. There were many beings present. They represented six Empires. Members of each Empire were unique in their own way. All had one purpose in mind, all were in agreement. They had prepared their ships and armies. There was no turning back. At that moment they had assembled on the flag ship of their armada. They were all seated at a circular table. Various screens were to the back of them that showed the worsening conditions of the planet they wished to conquer. The discussion continued. "Look what they've done to their planet," said the representative of empire Five. Fives had a bulbous head and a single eye in the center, like a Cyclops. The rest of their body was humanoid in form. The Five continue. "Also they are destroying sixty percent of the species of their world. What kind of being does something like that?” asked the Five, it was a rhetorical question. He continued, “The many excuses they make to destroy the health of their planet. These creatures make it sound like they’re helping members of their own kind. The dumping of toxic waste on the impoverished, destroy the habitat other creatures call home. The reason why? Greed." He said this with a sense of disgust in his voice. "Not just their planet. Look what they do to each other. They must be insane, the vast resources they spend to annihilate others of their kind. Factor in the way many of the males perversely exploit the female and the young,” said a member of the Fourth Empire. Fours also were humanoid in form. They were green in color and had lizard like skin. Their heads were human in form also, but slightly larger. This alien had no hair at all. They wore hats and tunics with their rank sewn on the sleeve. The Four continued, “I might add, the only thing they care about is material things." The one who would command all their armies sat in silence, listening to the proceedings. The Commander was also from the Forth Empire. They had done away with using their names at such meetings. No one ever could pronounce the others correctly. To expedite matters they adopted a number system for each empire. This led to some discussion as to who would receive what number. This was solved by something similar to the drawing of straws. By what they were saying, the Commander knew they were justifying their actions in their own minds. None the less, he was in complete agreement with them. He did feel that a little balance was needed in the conversation. The Commander spoke for the first time. "Don't underestimate them. They are crafty, sly and very intelligent. Remember we haven't had a conflict among ourselves in over five hundred years. They have been at war for thousands; if it wasn't for our Microscopic our task would be much more difficult." "Indeed,” said a number One. "Well spoken. We have the technological edge, plus overwhelming fire power, doesn’t mean we will win. But as their kind says, “the odds are in our favor."