SIMA GUANG (1019-1086) 司馬光 西江月 寶髻鬆鬆挽就,鉛華淡淡妝成。青煙翠霧罩輕盈,飛絮游絲無定。 相見爭如不見,有情何似無情。笙歌散後酒醒,深院月斜人靜。
The Dancer With her face lightly done with rouge and powder And a loose jeweled hair-knot, the dancer is all set. Her slender body is a flying fuzz in motion. Her gait takes after light green mist and fog in a net. I fare worse since seeing her. It is better without the amorous feeling that I get. After songs and music, as I first sober up, I find the deep courtyard with moonbeams aslant so quiet. SUN WEN (1860-1925) 孫文
輓劉道一 半壁東南三楚雄,劉郎死去霸圖空。尚餘遺業艱難甚,誰與斯人慷慨同。塞上秋風悲戰馬,神州落日泣哀鴻。幾時痛飲黃龍酒,橫攬江流一奠公。
An Elegy for Liu Daoyi In the vast Three-Chu Region, you were a hero. To our mastery over the southeast, your death dealt a blow. Hardships left by your void to our cause become great. Who shares your noble generosity, I do not know. Fall winds of the passes rise as war-horses neigh in grief. Sunset comes to our land as wild swans weep in sorrow. When shall we drink for victory to our hearts’ content? Let me make a libation while crossing a river in its flow.
WEN TIANXIANG (1236-1283) 文天祥 過零丁洋
Crossing the Lonely Sea By studying hard the classics, I rose above everyone. I got detained for four years when the doomed war was done. Like wind-swept fuzz, I fought for a broken land. Like rain-battered duckweeds, to vicissitudes I am prone. On the Worry and Fear Beachhead, I talk about worry and fear. On the Lonely Sea, I sigh for being alone. Since the old days, who has not died? Through history, my patriotism and valor will be shone.
SU SHI (1037-1101) 蘇軾 和子由澠池懷舊
Recalling our Old Days at Mianchi, in Reply to Ziyou’s Poem What is life like, no matter where you go? It should resemble claw prints in muddy snow. A flying wild swan leaves them by chance And then takes off, for all it cares to know. A new pagoda was built for the aged monk after his death. Old inscriptions on fallen walls do not show. Do you recall our long wretched trip of the past: Two tired travelers and their weak braying donkeys in tow?