I, Eve said to Adam, Rise up, My Lord, Let us pray to God in this cause that He set us free from the devil, for thou art in this strait on my account. But Adam said: Eve, Not so for "We" both made the Righteous Choice and since thou repentest of thy misdeed, my heart will hearken to thee, for the Lord created thee out of my body. Let us fast for forty days, perchance the Lord will have pity on us and will leave us understanding and life. I, for my part, said; Do thou, (my) Lord, fast forty days, but I will fast forty-four. And Adam said to me: Hasten thee to the river, named Tigris, and take a great stone and place it under thy feet, and enter into the stream and clothe thyself with water, as with a cloak, up to the neck, and pray to God in thy heart and let no word proceed out of thy mouth.