Weary of church politics, battles and pettiness?
Does your Church Operate Biblically?
Perhaps you need to take an intentional time-out, like battle fatigued soldiers for some R & R (Rest and Retraining).
Thanks to Titus Task Force hundreds of Churches, who mistakenly thought they were on the right track, now operate Biblically! From the apostle Paul’s letter to Titus and the utilization of scriptural processes of change, Titus Task Force’s 5 R’s of Reform have revitalized churches to be effective Kingdom Embassies of Christ.
Learn from the real-life case studies of God at Work in churches like yours. Titus Task Force’s renewal processes of: -Revealing - unbiblical practices that hinder healthy church growth (Eze 34) -Restoring - integrity, competence, and courage (Acts 20:28)
-Reconciling - with Jesus’ peacemaking commandments.(Matt 18* -Reforming - your congregations values, vision and missions (Matt 6:33)
-Reformission-deploying the saints for ministry” (Eph 4:12) “Life Together” with Titus Task Force has been interesting and fruitful. Thank you for bringing your gifts to us. May the peace of Christ be with you George, Ted and the Titus Team. Greg Metzgar, LaSalle St.Chrch "I have been associated with Titus Task Force and Rev. George Fraser for over 15 years. This ministry has helped hundreds of hurting churches to resolve conflict and refocus their ministry. Dr. Bob Brady
God has dramatically changed churches for 38 years through George Fraser’s servant leadership of Titus Task Force teams, by using the principles of discipline, strategy and sacrifice integral to that of soldiering reflecting one aspect of George’s background and training.
Weary no more! Let’s walk together on the road that leads toward spiritually healthy congregations You can help your church become Healthy – Starting Today