“Aye, and we be biddin’ ye goodspeed on your way. Ye have good mounts that ye won’t be losin’, ye continue to tether them with the see-through cord, now. It has powers, as you surely have found. Ye tether an animal with it and nothing nor nobody can loose it other than the one who did the tetherin’, now, by the birds that fly in the sky. If it hadn’t been so, ye’d be missin’ two good mounts and the harness that goes with them this day for, as ye know, there were Danaan about yester-evenin’, now, there were. The harness will leave the area only on the backs of the mounts that brought it here. So ye had no problem with that. Ye kept your raiment and arms with ye in your rooms, so there was no danger there. Ye know by now the power o’ most of them. The white and scarlet tunic and the gold gown can render each of you invisible, if ye think on it hard enough. But ye know that, now, ye do. Ye know the power of the shinin’ sword, that no opponent can defeat ye in single combat. Ye know the power of the short sword, that it can cut almost anything, even Gleipnir, the shinin’ cord. Ye know the power of the white, scarlet and gold belt, that it adds strength five times to the man who wears it. Ye know the power o’ the green eye, that the one who wields it can see what he needs to see, if he but put it to his eye against a smooth, shinin’ surface. Ye ken that the dirk will shine as if it were a torch when held at eye height or higher when in a dark place. Ye know all that and know it is a good aid along the way. And I will add to your list by givin’ ye a bit o’ firestone to build a fire, if ye strike it with a good bit o’ well made steel.” “And I will add a good bit o’ steel,” said Kappi “And I will give a glimmer-stone that will mark where ye put it, if ye be lookin’ now,” said Gondo. “And what would we need that for?” asked Sam, her brow wrinkled in thought. “And ye’ll find out soon enough, I trow,” said Gondo. “Be that as it may,” said Fredo. “And ye’ll be wantin’ to get along on your way, now. The main road leads south to Broadmead and Fairmead, though it’s Broadmead ye’ll want to be stayin’ at, I’m thinkin’. That’s a good day’s ride, and ye’re late on your way already. About half way, there’s a good cave where ye can build a good fire that won’t be seen and have a rest. There’s another cave along the way, too, should you fail to reach Broadmead by nightfall, which is probable, since ye start so late, now, us talkin’ so much and all. Ye should stay a good night, maybe more, and get to know the people. Ye’ll find them kind enough, and that’s for sure, nothing like the Danaan ye’ve dealt with already. And there are two good streams along the way where ye can get a look at whatever ye be needin’ to know, now, usin’ the seein’ eye, the green eye from the Green Knight. Ah, and he’ll be wantin’ that back, now he will, he will. And the others too. They’ll be wantin’ their precious things that have powers back. I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if they were plannin’ on sendin’ or comin’ after ye anytime now, I wouldn’t be.” “And Drachenstein?” asked Sam, for Samantha. “Ah, Drachenstein? His lair is on the south side of a mountain some days ridin’ beyond Fairmead. Few Golondor have gone that way, and fewer returned. Those who went and came back were so frighted by what they went through that they had little to say about it other than ‘Don’t go there,’ and few go. That’s the how of it. Ye’ve much to do if ye are to slay Drachenstein. Ye have the weapons and, I think, the will. T’will take all that and more. Especially if the Green Knight and his cohorts be comin’ after ye, now. And there be more. Ye already know of the Brelews and what they can do. It would be wise to avoid bridges close to the water and look for fords instead. There be trolls about, just waitin’ to get their hands, if one could call them that, on men-folk, or even dwarves, crossin’ bridges that lie close to the water. They lurk there just waitin’. Then there be ogres in the dark o’ the woods, and close to the road where the bramble grows thick. They wait for men-folk and dwarves too. There be dangers along the way. Ye have enough to contend with, so be careful everywhere.”