I was guided, even vigorously pushed, to get this material out into the world at this time, because of the tremendous sense of urgency in the ‘airwaves’.
It is common knowledge that Humankind and the Planet are experiencing a time of great transition. We are witnessing many of our societal structures crumbling from the weight of corruption, manipulation, greed and power.
We are also experiencing, new and strange weather patterns and hearing foreboding predictions about our future. There is much speculation about what is actually happening, as well as a great deal of turmoil occurring in people’s individual lives.
The old paradigms are changing, actually dissolving before our very eyes and the new possibilities are not yet fully in form. How do we cope? Where do we turn? What do we do? It is the importance of these questions that prompted me to write and share this book. It is more crucial than ever for us to know that there are new tools to use, to cross the bridge from the old to the new.
For many years now, I have had a strong communication with ‘My Spirit Team’ through the form of ‘Automatic Writing’. I write their messages directly as I receive them with no editing.
They have urged me to get these ‘Messages’ out into the world right now, because this information is very applicable for each and every person to raise their own consciousness, to be able to cope with these stressful and transformational times. I am including one of their most recent messages right here in this introduction, because it so perfectly sets the stage for this entire book. This message is entitled ‘Attention’.
Now is the moment to apply all of your Spiritual knowledge fully. If you knew that the entire plan was resting on you, you would certainly wish to pay attention. Yes, indeed, it does rest on each of you, for who else is there? Who will do this job of restoring your wonderful world? Many think that Spirit will swoop in and change everything, like some fairy Godmother, but that is not how it works. We in Spirit can only guide and nudge and hope that you will respond. We can work WITH you, once you ask, but we can not do it for you or inspite of you. Many of you are simply too busy to even hear us at all. This will not help. We are asking for your attention, in fact we would like to shout to get your attention... can you hear us yet? Time is of the essence. There are also many of you who have been listening, but somehow think that someone else will make the needed changes. You don’t feel confident enough to speak your truth, even though there are many who need the life line you will be providing, by doing so. This is the moment for each and every one of you to apply every aspect of your spiritual knowledge to each and every aspect of your physical life. If there is inconsistency, dishonesty, or game playing in any area of your life, it is time to see this clearly and address these issues. A higher life is calling all of you, and it is up to you to respond. Seek out whatever help you need. The entire plan is resting on YOU. Blessings... The Divine Spirit Team
The single most important concept of this entire book is that of bringing our ‘True Highest Self’ right into the center of our lives. This, of course, only occurs if we stop and pay attention... truly listen and then receive the wisdom of our Higher Aspects. Our Spiritual wisdom can not be relegated to the back shelf, only to be pulled out ‘when we have the time’. The real message here is to meaningfully translate our inner wisdom into our day to day, regular lives... everyday... all the time... no matter what!
Why?... because our Universe is giving each and every one us the opportunity to fully participate in this momentous Planetary transition. We must stay awake and aware and truly conscious in order to create the most beneficial outcomes for us all, in order to avoid much needless suffering.
We have all been used to life on Planet Earth conforming to a certain framework. It is a very small framework indeed... filled with limitations, because the definitions we have of ourselves and of life in general, have been coming from our very small, physical, ego identification. The Divine Spirit Team calls this the ‘small self’. Spirit is eager and ready to take us all on a decidedly larger journey, bringing us face to face with the magnitude of our True Being.
This information ignites and assists the ‘consciousness shift’ that is needed now, which inspires us to live from our Inner Power. Spirit is saying in no uncertain terms, that it is time to come into our Spiritual Maturity, living as the Divine and powerful ‘Beings’ that we truly are. This will assist our move into ‘The Golden Age’ which they say, is where we are headed.
We all have our cherished assumptions and we’ve all agreed to play the game of this programmed reality, up until now. But now... Everything we were ever taught, everything we were ever told, everything we ever believed in....Is all up for question. The Universe is made up of consciousness and as our consciousness is rapidly and radically changing.... so is the Universe.
Spirit is taking up the reins, rewriting the rules and giving us (you and me) the keys to the new ‘Consciousness Code’ A Bridge... To the New Universe... Welcome aboard!