The Battle The battle line crosses from 0 B.C. thru 0 A.D. and into the Promised Land where they stonewall this cross over with—exclamations—rising up around this crucified man to 1260-1390! Erasing the commanding word of God at this cross over is their objective! The Vatican Daily on Oct 4, 2011 criticized a decision by BBC television network to drop the usage of designation “A.D.” and “B.C.” The network plans to adopt the terms “C.E” (Common Era) and “BCE” (Before the Common Era) when referring to when His commanding word stops the flow of time from 0 B.C. to 0 A.D. Stonewalling this cross over thru time—with 1260-1390 exclamations—is unscientific garbage by laboratory heads in a museum where 12% more C14 shoots up above the stump of this tree Christ is crucified upon—into a new shoot of radioactive life”!” In THE FIRST HUMANS, the AMS errors shoot up to 980 years of error in the tree ring 6000 BC labeled 5020 bc in RADIOCARBON: A KEY TO THE PAST. This key opens a huge door of radiocarbon dating errors leading to half-life before Christ where the error is 1262”!” It matches this man crucified in 1260”!” To this “exclamation”, the honest head counts—from 0 bc to 0 ad—12% more C14 on this shroud where Secondo Pia discovers 1898 years from this cross over—in his camera—this is a 14’ negative! To this truth, a particle accelerator fires a “charged” spectrum of carbon atoms taken from this Shroud into this magnetic field. The magnetic field deflects out of this carbon spectrum (C12 + C13 + C14) atoms by weight. This instrument head meters only the heavier mass of C14 atoms left in this spectrum that strike this detector in the Zurich, Oxford and Arizona lab with the radioactive C14 atoms by its weight! It meters not unscientific exclamations rising into this unscientific Common Era that mocks Truth crucified from 1260-1390”!” In Truth, the accelerator mass spectro/meter name speaks out: Accelerates the Mass in this shroud Spectrum thru this magnetic field with 12% more C14 Metered above 0 bc to 0 ad. After 1260 years of decay, the 12 % level of C14 decays to the level of 1260-1390! Here, the C14 decay rate is off by 162 years! Writing a book on analyzers for BWR/PWR nuclear reactors in 1971, the author brings to light 1260-1390 years of delay is too late in a nuclear reaction where the TRINITY rises into light or where this earthen body transforms into light and tongues of fire scorch this face of earth where these brilliant scientific souls call this the Trinity in 1945 ad! Who speaks to the face of Truth? When looking back into this passing storm, a shoreline of fallen dead stars (from supernovas) form a coastline. They are falling into black holes that surround this boat lost in this Dead Sea of fire, where they heaved Him over board—like Jonah—into this Common Era of unscientific errors”!” His tongues of fire seal this Covenant given to Abram where His body, like a star, scorches His image with 12% more C14 metered above 0 A.D. From 0 B.C., these carbon dating errors backup to the half-life spectrum before Christ where 1100 carbon years of error is metered in the calendar ring 666 decades B.C. Half-life before Christ, where 50% C14 is lost, should be 5730 bc, not 5568 bc: Before the Common Era of errors, the “half-life spectrum before Christ” errors accumulate to: 1100 yr. error + 162 yr. error = 1262”!” +/- 66”!” Passing through a furnace of fire, the Son of Man gives birth from the crucified body of this man into eternal light and proves—in A BRIEF HISTORY of TIME to these souls they are lost in a Dead Sea of entropy.