Can You See Into My Incarceration?
My life is as hard as crack cocaine But worth less. These drab gray walls reflect my Potential for the day. When my thoughts turn to freedom They jam like a gun! All the while I’m told to dream While staring down a barrel. Told to dream to the music Of keys dangling in the background. In prison, All we have is the broken promises of loved ones And the hope that one day they’ll keep one. I see inmates believing in Christmas and Santa For the wrong reasons. Because Santa’s gifts seem instant While waiting for God can take years Like habeas corpus decisions. I got my G.E.D. the other day It felt like I was holding a letter I had written to myself. I sat staring at the diploma Waiting for a response. I know I should be proud (I guess I am in a way) But I can’t help wondering If the world can see my accomplishment? I search for light In the corner of my cell. If I’m baptized in the fire Of self rehabilitation (The only true rehabilitation left in prison) Will society hold up its end of the bargain And give me my name back in exchange for This prison number (P-67144)? If I could believe that I could really be free. I see all the emblems of a slave around me Maybe I’d be more productive picking cotton But all I see is dust bunnies and cobwebs…