“Yes, at 1 a.m. on the State Street side of the park,” Ada answered.
“There is nothing here, no vehicles, just an empty park with very few dim lights,” Curtis said.
“Hit those lights and back into that ally over there in the shadows,” Ada told him.
Curtis backed the black roadster into the ally, almost concealing them in the darkness. Keeping an eye for anything that moves. There had not been another vehicle on State street or across the park on the Madison Street side. Curtis was uneasy, he kept saying are you sure this is not a set up.
The vehicle barreled across the sidewalk weaving in and out of the park equipment. Suddenly the car slid to a screeching stop on the wet grass in the middle of the park, about 20 yards from where they were hid in the ally.
In the dim light, they were not sure what they saw. But it appeared they had tossed out a body, jumped back into the convertible and exited the park almost in front of where they were hid on the State street side. As they left the park, under the dim light it was apparent they were talking off mask and laughing as they drove off down the street in the direction they came.
“Yes, and he is hurt bad. We have got to get him to a doctor. We can’t leave him here to be found in the morning. He is bleeding and I am sure his arm is broken, if not his leg. Help me get this tape off his ankles, mouth and wrist. But, neither you nor I can be found here,” Brock said.
“Then let’s take him to my doctor, I’ll get the car and the boys to help load him,” Ada said as she motioned for the boys to come.
My Sons, Married Thieves!
“Thank you Edna, I want you to meet Mark. He is Mickey’s better half. I guess that makes him a son-in-law to speak of,” she said.
Before Edna could answer Mickey yelled, MOTHER!
“Good great Michael Andrew, settle down and put you nerves in your pocket. Edna and I have known for years. This is no shock to us, we still love you and will not disown you,” his mother told him.
“My pleasure Mark, we have heard a lot about. We just did not know who you were,” Edna said with a smile.
“Edna, please join us. You are much a part of this family as I am. With any good luck we have someone that can help us solve our problem,” Mrs. Radcliff said.
“Have you told him anything yet?” Edna ask.
“No, we have been getting acquainted and he is adorable. Edna you will love him as I do already,” she said.
“For grand sakes, what have you told her Mark?” Mickey ask.
“I have two daughter-in-laws and five grand children that are thieves,” Mrs. Radcliff was saying when interrupted.
“Mother! Do you have to air the family dirty laundry now. We just got here.”
“Hell, we don’t. Maybe an outsider can tell us how to solve this problem. We have not had much luck in doing it ourselves,” Edna said.
You Sister’s? Still Crazy as a Bed Bug!
With the exception of the birds singing, the morning was quiet. When they heard a faint sound coming from the other side of the stream thru a stand of trees. When they reached the area of the sound was coming from, they crawled thru the underbrush to get a better look. All of the sudden within a few feet of them, they were looking directly at several horse drawn covered wagons traveling on a dirt road. All of the people were dressed as if they had been transported from the old West.
As fast as they could scramble from the underbrush, they rush back to the camper to wake their father. All three of them were yelling at the same time they had been zapped into a time warp. There was no evidence that they were in the 20th century outside their own camper. Shaking their father wildly to wake up. He finally realized what they were talking about.
Secret Agents: That Can Hear Your Think.
Beck got up and went outside to look for the princess and her escort, to wait for the bus to board. There was no young girl in sight. As he looked over the others that were obviously waiting to board the transport, He knew there had to be as least two or more that were looking to kid nap the Princess. Everyone that he focused on appeared as if they could be the culprit.
The King had been assassinated and the Queen was in grave condition. It was his job to make sure the Princess was taken to safety until this crisis was over in the government as well to see if the Queen would survive.
As he walked passed window, he saw his reflection and almost laughed out loud at himself thinking he really enjoyed his career. Although, I have never understood why I was chosen to be a member of this elite group of mind enhanced people. How did the powers that be know a seven year old boy had what it took to be one of these people and give him the ability to hear what others were thinking. The existence of us having this ability is not known to anyone out side out group. How amazed I was when I met a girl that could do the same thing and we could talk without anyone hearing what we said. Enough reminiscing, I have got to consternate on the job at hand. Laughing out loud, he thought to himself. I look ridiculous in this disguise, as he walked across the way and sat down on a bench. Still no sign of the Princess.