“The expression of loving yourself is found in following what brings you joy, pleasure, and satisfaction purely in the act of doing it, the performing of your passion. Passion is not about your beliefs of what is right or wrong. Your passion is about your feelings, what makes you feel happy when you are doing it, and your purpose for being here. Your passions do not have a reason or a set of justifications that make them legitimate. They are simply an essential part of your reason for being here. They are part of the true expression of you and your purpose for being here. They are your gift to the world, the expression of the Law of your own unfolding, your dharma. How can you feel totally alive if you are not engaged in what gives you the real feelings of expressing your Presence, your happiness and full feeling of yourself in the Now?
The simple act of doing anything that brings you joy and a sense of free self-expression is living your passion. Anything that makes you feel good when you do it is taking you in the direction of the flow of your purpose and that of the Universe. There is no need to look for the big task. You being yourself and loving what you do is the biggest task you can do in any given moment. You are not here to change the world but in doing what you love doing you will change everything. As a central part of loving yourself, participating in the things that are fun and enjoyable for you to do should be built into your life. Your responsibility is to discover those activities, those actions in your life that give you the feeling of being more of yourself.
Taking this responsibility involves an act of great courage because it goes against so many beliefs that you have been taught. You have to be able to take the time, make the opportunities, and engage yourself in things purely for the reason of feeling good when you do them. It involves an act of trust and faith. It involves the dropping of the need to justify yourself to others. You follow your passion because this is your own fulfilment and the evidence of the reason will show in your happiness, in your pleasure, in the energy and vitality that will come from doing those things that you enjoy. If you do not try to justify yourself to others they will begin to notice the difference and ask you what is your secret. They will want the same happiness for themselves and if you intend it, you actually create the possibility that they can find the courage, through your example, to try following their own passion for themselves.
A successful life is a happy life and this is your entitlement. But you have to make it. It is your responsibility and your mission to be happy. You cannot wait for the right time, place or support from any other person. The door is open now. You need only make the first step in and your happiness will unfold with every other step you make that is guided by your experience of pleasure and heart felt sense of rightness and fulfilment. Your happiness requires of you to explore what you are passionate about. To break through the old patterns of thinking and judgement, and to enter into the new adventure of your living reincarnation”.