This chapter offers some strategies for developing strength and courage. These strategies are designed to help you to be strong and courageous through the development of willpower, and inner strength.
As we journey through life, we may find ourselves traveling through several hills and valleys. Some of us, may move to a new town, a new church, or obtain a new job. Others may face the challenges of graduation, a relationship, unemployment, marriage, foreclosure or an empty nest. The journey through life can be a more terrifying experience after a divorce, the loss of a home to foreclosure, the death of a loved one, a horrible or devastating illness, the loss of a job, the break up of an engagement.... and so on. The question is-how should we respond to these challenges. The majority of us respond to the problems we experience as we journey through life with fear, worry, anger, alcohol, drug abuse, and even suicide. Today, I challenge you to stop worrying about your problems and believe that you will get deliverance. Worrying is nonproductive. But making realistic life style changes will bring positive results.
Problems are a part of life, but when we expect to live a problem-free life we are often consistently disappointed. Disappointment, hurt, pain, adversity tribulations, trials, ridicule, and persecution, if allowed to remain, can lead to anger, resentment, hypertension, arthritis, depression, and suicide. I believe that it is impossible to live in this world without facing some kind of hardship or adversity, and confusion. The appropriate response to hardships is to admit our fears and focus on the solution. We often fail to realize that hardships can be used to build strength and resilience. We should see the problems we face as opportunities to improve.
If you are experiencing adversity, take the time to discern the changes that you need to make to your life. Try to see the lessons that you need to learn from the issue or conflict that has consumed your life. Then, focus on the changes that you need to make to your life. The only way to move forward is to focus on the solution of the problem. If you focus on the problem it will expand. So why not focus on the solution. Believe me, we create our own reality. We attract those things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. I wish I could tell you that it is as simple as stating an affirmation, but no affirmation is going to work if your thoughts or feelings are negating the positive.
So, be strong and courageous as you transition through the cycles of life. Courage is required to face the risks ahead and strength will help you to complete the journey. So friends, it takes strength and courage to break through the tough times of life. But, we have to ‘go through’ the difficulties to get the ‘break through’ or resolution that we need. Keep your hopes and expectations high and focus on the PRIZE.
Dream big. Send your messages out to the universe or to God then, pay attention to the responses that you get. I have often coached clients on learning how to become more aware of their intuitive selves. Intuitive messages can come from a variety of avenues. They can come in the form of a desire to read a particular book. They can come to us through words of a friend as you exercise. They can come through dreams. They might be ideas that pop into your heads as you walk your dog or as you sit in your garden. These messages are available to us more and more as we learn to listen for them.
So, how can you be strong and courageous in tough times? You must work on developing your inner strength. Inner strength consists of persistence, willpower, self-discipline, self- control, detachment, and the ability to concentrate.
Willpower will give you the inner strength to make a decision, take action, and follow through on any task until it is accomplished, regardless of challenges, obstacles, resistance, discomfort, difficulties, or opposition.
Inner strength will help you to overcome laziness, temptations and negative habits. Your inner strength will help you to carry out actions, even when they are unpleasant, and tedious.
Examples of inner strength and courage are:
The ability to read a book that is useful and informative despite the fact that you find it boring. The inner power to overcome the temptation to stay in bed longer than you should. The strength not to give up in the face of difficulties.