Virus Classification Buchen-Osmund (C.) is the custodian for “International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses Database ICTVdB version November 4th, 2005 ( ICTVdB is a taxonomic database for virus sequence data used in GenBank and UniProt. The universal system of virus taxonomy now recognizes 5,811 virus species as listed in the 8th ICTV Report 2005. ICTV Reports are published every 4 years. Each virus isolate is uniquely identified in ICTVdB by a morphological virus decimal code. The ICTVdB database records genomic data, morphology, host range and epidemiology. The Fusillo Nature Classification System discards the ICTV morphology based Classification Decimal Code in favor of a HOST RANGE based virus decimal number to identify virus species and varieties.
Dioxyribonucleic Acid Virus (DNA) species can be either double stranded DNA (dsDNA) or single stranded DNA (ssDNA).
Double Stranded Single Stranded Dioxyribonucleic Acid Virus (dsDNA) Dioxyribonucleic Acid Virus (ssDNA)
Ribonuceavirus Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Virus species can be either double stranded RNA (dsRNA), single stranded RNA (ssRNA), positive sense single stranded RNA (+ssRNA), or negative sense single stranded RNA (-ssRNA).
Double Stranded Single Stranded Ribonucleic Acid Virus (dsRNA) Ribonucleic Acid Virus (ssRNA)
Prionovirus Protein Sythnesis Acid (PSA) Virus species have no DNA or RNA. Instead, they have protein acids that are used to manufacture proteins once the virus invades a host cell. The energy derived from the synthesis of proteins is used to replicate more protein acids. The new protein acids are the progeny of the PSA Virus reproductive cycle.
Protein Synthesis Acid Virus (PSA)
Kingdom 2 Microbeavirus (Microbe Virus) SUBKINGDOMS 21 Bacteriavirus 22 Protophytavirus 23 Protozoavirus Bacteria Virus Protophyte Virus Protozoan Virus Species
Subkingdom 21 Bacteriavirus (Bacteria Virus) Latin: Bacca berry Latin: Terratisma terror, i.e. berry terror Latin: Virion virulent organism PHYLUMS 211 Crenarchaeotavirus 212 Euryarchaeotavirus 213 Gracilicutesvirus 214 Cyanobacteriavirus 215 Proteobacteriavirus 216 Mollicutesvirus 217 Firmicutesvirus Hot Acid Archaic Bacteria Virus Methane & Hypersaline Archaic Bacteria Virus Thin Wall Bacteria Virus Cyan Thin Wall Bacteria Virus Protean Thin Wall Bacteria Virus Soft Wall Bacteria Virus Firm Wall Bacteria Virus Species 51 230 565 2854 2412
PHYLUM 211 Crenarchaeotavirus (Hot Acid Archaic Bacteria Virus) CLASS 211.1 Thermoproteivirus
Hot Acid Archaic Bacteria Virus Species 51 Phylum Crenarchaeotavirus Hot Acid Archaic Bacteria Virus species inhabit the hot springs of Iceland, the geysers of Yellowstone National Park, and other geothermal sources that are extremely hot, extremely acidic and sulfur rich. CLASS 211.1 Thermoproteivirus Thermal Protean HotAcidArchaicBacteria Virus ORDER 1 Thermoprotealesvirus HotAcidThickWallBacteria Virus FAMILY 1 Thermoproteaceaevirus HotSpringHotAcidBacteria Virus GENUS 1 Thermoproteaceaevirus-dsDNA-Lipothrix Thermal Protean Bacteria Phage Lipothrix SPECIES 211.111.11 Thermoproteusvirus tenax lipothrix-alpha 1 [X14855] Tenacious Thermal Protean Bacteria Phage Lipothrix Alpha 1 SPECIES 211.111.12 Thermoproteusvirus tenax lipothrix-beta 2 Tenacious Thermal Protean Bacteria Phage Lipothrix Beta 2 SPECIES 211.111.13 Thermoproteusvirus tenax lipothrix-beta 3 Tenacious Thermal Protean Bacteria Phage Lipothrix Beta 3 SPECIES 211.111.14 Thermoproteusvirus tenax lipothrix-ortho 4 Tenacious Thermal Protean Bacteria Phage Lipothrix Ortho 4 HOST GENERA Thermoproteus, Caldivirga, Pyrobaculum, Thermocladium, Vulcanisaeta FAMILY 2 Thermofilaceaevirus HotVentHotAcidBacteria Virus HOST GENERA Thermofilum ORDER 2 Desulfurococcalesvirus SulfurlessRoundHotAcidBacteria Virus FAMILY 1 Desulfurococcaceaevirus HotSpringSulfurlessRoundHotAcidBacteria Virus GENUS 1 Desulfurolobusvirus-dsDNA-Lipothrix Sulferless Lobed Bacteria Phage Lipothrix SPECIES 211.121.11 Desulfurolobusvirus ambivalens lipothrix-beta filamentus Ambivalent Sulferless Lobed Bacteria Phage Lipothrix Beta Filament HOST GENERA Desulfurococcus, Acidolobus, Aeropyrum, Desulfurolobus, Ignicoccus, Ignisphaera, Staphylothermus, Stetteria, Sulfophobococcus, Thermodiscus, Thermosphaera FAMILY 2 Pyrodictiaceaevirus HotVentSulfurRoundHotAcidBacteria Virus HOST GENERA Pyrodictium, Hyperthermus, Pyrolobus ORDER 3 Sulfolobalesvirus SulfurLobedHotAcidBacteria Virus FAMILY 1 Sulfolobaceaevirus SulfurLobedHotAcidBacteria Virus GENUS 1 Sulfolobaceaevirus-dsDNA-Lipothrix Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Lipothrix SPECIES 211.131.11 Sulfolobusvirus islandicus lipothrix-beta filamentus [AF4405711] Island Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Lipothrix Beta Filament GENUS 2 Sulfolobaceaevirus-dsDNA-Rudi Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Rudi SPECIES 211.131.21 Sulfolobusvirus islandicus rudi 1 Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Rudi 1 SPECIES 211.131.22 Sulfolobusvirus islandicus rudi 2 Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Rudi 2 GENUS 3 Sulfolobaceaevirus-dsDNA-Fusello Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello SPECIES 211.131.31 Sulfolobusvirus fusello 1 Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello 1 SPECIES 211.131.32 Sulfolobusvirus kamchatkaensis fusello 1 Kamchatka Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello 1 SPECIES 211.131.33 Sulfolobusvirus shibatae fusello 1 Shibah Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello 1 SPECIES 211.131.34 Sulfolobusvirus yellowstonensis fusello 1 Yellowstone Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello 1 SPECIES 211.131.35 Sulfolobusvirus fusello 1 [X07234] Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello 1 X07234 SPECIES 211.131.36 Sulfolobusvirus fusello 2 Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello 2 SPECIES 211.131.37 Sulfolobusvirus fusello 3 Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Fusello 3 GENUS 4 Sulfolobaceaevirus-dsDNA-Gutta Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Gutta SPECIES 211.131.41 Sulfolobus neozealandicus gutta-droplet 1 New Zealand Sulfer Lobed Bacteria Phage Gutta Droplet 1 GENUS 5 Sulfolobaceaevirus-dsDNA-Lipothrix Acidic Bacteria Phage Lipothrix SPECIES 211.131.51 Acidianusvirus lipothrix-gamma 1 [AJ567472] Acidic Bacteria Phage Lipothrix Gamma 1 Filament HOST GENERA Sulfolobus, Acidianus, Metallosphaera, Stygiolobus, Sulfurisphaera, Sulfurococcus
PHYLUM 212 Euryarchaeotavirus (Methane & Hypersaline Archaic Bacteria Virus) CLASSES 212.1 Archaeglobivirus 212.2 Methanobacteriaevirus 212.3 Methanococcivirus 212.4 Methanopyrivirus 212.5 Methanomicrobiavirus 212.6 Thermoplasmataevirus 212.7 Thermococcivirus 212.8 Halobacteriaevirus Archaic Globe Methane Bacteria Virus Methane Archaic Bacteria Virus Round Methane Bacteria Virus Hot Methane Archaic Bacteria Virus Methane Microbe Bacteria Virus Hot Plasma Methane Bacteria Virus Hot Globe Methane Bacteria Virus Halogen Archaic Bacteria Virus Phylum Euryarchaeotavirus Broad Archaic Bacteria Viruses are found in sewage, in seawater sediments, in freshwater sediments and in the intestinal tracts of animals. Their hosts include both methane producing bacteria (methanogens) and halogen dwelling bacteria (halophils). Halogen Bacteria live in extremely salty environments and do not form methane. They live in sodium chloride salt factories, salt mines with water, and seawater brine. Molecular phylogenetic techniques have documented that methanogen and halophil viruses have similar RNA/DNA material even though they inhabit different environments. CLASS 212.1 Archaeglobi Globe Methane Archaic Bacteria Virus ORDER 1 Archaeoglobalesvirus GlobeMethaneBacteria Virus FAMILY 1 Archaeoglobaceaevirus GlobeMethaneBacteria Virus HOST GENERA Archaeoglobus, Ferroglobus, Geoglobus CLASS 212.2 Methanobacteria Methane Archaic Bacteria Virus ORDER 1 Methanobacterialesvirus MethaneBacteria Virus FAMILY 1 Methanobacteriaceaevirus MethaneBacteria Virus GENUS 1 Methanobacteriaceaevirus-dsDNA-Sipho Methane Bacteria Phage Sipho SPECIES 212.211.11 Methanobacteriumvirus caudo-sipho-psiM1 [AF065411] [AF065412] Methane Bacteria Phage Sipho PsiM1 SPECIES 212.211.12 Methanobacteriumvirus caudo-sipho-psiM1 FF3 Methane Bacteria Phage Sipho PsiM1 FF3 SPECIES 212.211.13 Methanobrevibactervirus caudo-sipho-psiM1 PG Short Methane Bacteria Phage Sipho PsiM1 PG HOST GENERA Methanobacterium, Methanobacillus, Methanobrevibacter, Methanosphaera FAMILY 2 Methanothermaceaevirus HotMethaneBacteria Virus HOST GENERA Methanothermus, Methanothermobacter CLASS 212.3 Methanococci Round Methane Archaic Bacteria Virus ORDER 1 Methanococcalesvirus RoundMethaneBacteria Virus FAMILY 1 Methanococcaceaevirus RoundMethaneBacteria Virus HOST GENERA Methanococcus, Methanothermococcus FAMILY 2 Methanocaldococcaceaevirus HotRoundMethaneBacteria Virus HOST GENERA Methanocaldococcus, Methanotorris