The polar ice caps are melting! New York City and Los Angeles are under water! According to geologists, the melting of the ice caps will cause the oceans to rise some twenty feet above the current sea levels.
We know what caused it. The question is what are we going to do about it? Is it too late to save our planet? Will the abolishment of carbon dioxide emissions stabilize the polar ice caps? Or are we going to see the return of the tropical paradise in Antarctica instead of the existing mountains of ice? Though the exchange appears plausible, it comes without reward but instead a magnitude of detrimental consequences: rising seas rendering millions of coastal environments to a watery grave!
Research and development of energy resources, in search of the “Holy Grail,” gets most of our federal government’s money or, perhaps, I should have said ours, yet supplies a pittance in return per dollar. As of year 2001, our federal government spent approximately $110 billion on energy research in the last fifty years. On what? Reportedly on tax breaks and a portfolio of various subsidies to encourage various sources of development for everything from oil wells to nuclear plants to solar and wind machines. Additionally, scientists have attempted to replicate the power of the stars inside doughnut shaped reactors, brew fuel from alcohol in giant-sized caldrons of fermenting corn while harnessing the sun’s energy through giant magnifying mirrors in the Mojave Desert. Yet, all that spending: $110 billion, has failed to produce what has become the “Holy Grail” of our modern era: the need for a relatively affordable, pollution free, inexhaustible source of power. For over a hundred years, the main source of all energy was derived from oil and coal: both major contributors of Greenhouse Gases!
Our “Planet in Peril” and we continue to embrace what threatens it. Carbon dioxide: pollution from oil, coal, nuclear reactors, and a host of others. Two facts about climate change have become increasingly clear. New technology in order to constrain a life threatening dilemma: Greenhouse Gas emissions, and their effect on our climate. Without “Sugar Coating It,” to date, rapidly rising emissions in the developing world will swamp whatever reductions the United States, Europe, or combined Asian countries may attempt, in order to conquer Global Warming! “It may be too late to wake up, and smell the coffee!?” Atmospheric concentrations of Greenhouse Gases are here now: and will continue to rise for decades to come, drifting into the next century!
What are the consequences? What can we expect? What could possibly happen? Though we can only hope the effects will be modest, there remains an ever present risk that the situation will be very traumatic! Some scientists have already put us on notice of abrupt changes, climatic changes, with unpredictable, yet catastrophic consequences.
Most troubling, among scientists, is the possibility that by the time signs of disaster are eminent, it will be too late to invoke the necessary criteria, “The Minus Factor,” to prevent it. Tentatively, we are faced with two alternatives: either eliminate emissions of contributing Greenhouse Gases (Carbon Dioxide) or adjust to living with a polluted planet under unbearable, undeterminable climatic conditions: facing the consequences of extinction!
Meanwhile, auto manufacturers, throughout the globe, orchestrated by a procrastinating Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are continuing their Research and Development, or perhaps I should have said “their dog and pony show,” in quest of developing the ultimate technology to meet “The Minus Factor.” We know it’s just a matter of time, but when? Undoubtedly, technologists will find ways to phase out Global Warming: elimination of fossil fuels and coal-fired plants. However, it will take a long time in coming. Time we can’t afford to lose in order to prevent our planet from further “PERIL!”
The Minus Factor was not prepared for the timid. Instead for those with perseverance and intestinal fortitude. Throughout the book, from chapter to chapter, is a portfolio of unique concepts to eliminate, if not reduce, the factors contributing to our existing dilemma. Your author sincerely believes that perma-electro, a totally zero emissions, pollution free, concept: consisting of magnetic orientation is by far the choice of future alternative energy proposals.
Bio-fuel tech is not pollution free. Battery power lacks enough energy without infrastructure: and requires expensive battery replacement. Hybrids are currently the most sought. However, once again, they are not pollution free: Hydrogen requiring necessary infrastructure would cost a fortune! Prepared on board is not only expensive, but dangerous. For an in-depth analogy of all to behold, The Minus Factor will astound you!