Laws written by and for the benefit of our legislators (most of whom are lawyers) and their benefactors, who are only interested in personal gain – be it financial, a higher rung on the ladder and therefore more power, or both – is the norm in Washington D.C. What we see in our capital today is a far cry from what I believe our forefathers envisioned or intended for “We the People.”
Whether these “holier than thou” types are police officers, attorneys, appointed government officials, appointed or elected judges, or elected representatives, they are no better than the rest of us and they are certainly not above the laws they demand we abide by and so flagrantly use and abuse themselves!
We the American people must make the penalty for employing an illegal alien so overwhelmingly costly, and so devastating to the individual and their families that no American citizen will ever consider taking the chance of employing an illegal alien for any purpose whatsoever. If we do this, the people who now employ illegal aliens will stop doing so, and that will solve about 99% of our problem with illegal aliens!
Today especially, the security of our boarders should be the number one priority of our government! Securing our boarders is absolutely essential to stop the ever increasing flood of illegal alien migration into the United States, to prevent unbridled criminal activity, to thwart terrorism, to protect the American economy, protect American citizens and the American way of life.
U.S. foreign policy should be simple. One, work closely with and support without hesitation or reservation those who truly are allies of the United States. Two, be cordial and businesslike with those who want to remain neutral. Three, cut off all diplomatic, financial, and trading ties with those who wish us harm. Simple! Straight forward! Honest!
Military commanders should be allowed to command! Military actions can not and should not be accomplished by committee. Jimmy Carter’s handling of the hostage rescue attempt in Iran in 1979 proved that point beyond the shadow of a doubt!
The so called “War on Drugs” is without question the quintessential losing battle! The American taxpayer has been footing the bill for this ridiculous war against the drug lords around the world for decades and it has garnered few if any positive or concrete results.
Anyone who thinks our current welfare system is doing a fine job just as it is obviously believes in the tooth fairy! The welfare system in America today has but one effect and that is to create a totally dependant and distinctly separate society within the larger – for the moment anyway – American society.
The educational system in the U.S. today is most definitely not what it once was; it most certainly is not what it should be; and it definitely isn’t headed in the right direction!
Americans – Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Atheists, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, white, black, brown, yellow – I mean every man, woman, and child who calls themselves an American has a choice to make. Either we force the government to get off its dead butt and take action today on developing new energy sources, or tomorrow we start teaching our children how to make candles and drive a horse drawn carriage!
Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. If the criminal doesn’t have a gun, he’ll use a knife, or a club, or a brick, or whatever he can get his hands on that will serve as a weapon, so taking firearms away from law abiding citizens will do nothing but empower the criminals and increase crime rates across the board.
If we allow the government to determine how we are to conduct ourselves in even one lone aspect of our private lives, we open the door to government control of virtually everything we do!
If there is any one thing that is destined to lead us to the total destruction of the liberties and freedoms that we as Americans enjoy, it is political correctness!
What most journalists don’t seem to understand for some strange reason is that once they’ve achieved their objective and turned America into a socialist or communist country, they will no longer enjoy journalistic freedom!