Can you imagine living a fairly normal and average life in the suburbs, and one day awakening to the fact that you are suddenly under constant surveillance, no matter where you are? Can you imagine the frustration of knowing this is true and that you are of sound mind, and yet what is happening is so bizarre that you don’t even know how to describe it without sounding delusional? This is the life I have been living since 1994.
Since 1994, I have been the target of something known as “group stalking” or “organized stalking.” It is a crime of hate and control by a large group of people. Indeed, it is a form of organized crime. This is a story that may be very hard to believe, but it is actually happening to me and to many others around the country. This book is a true story about being targeted and stalked by a deceitful and mean spirited person (the lead perpetrator), and a very large group of people (the group members). They would all have to be considered unstable sociopaths at the very least. It is the story of being under constant surveillance.
This elaborate “game” has caused much turmoil, sadness and frustration in my life, and I am not the same person I was before this started. In many ways I have lost the years of my life since this started. The changes in me did not happen overnight. It has been a slow process as my family’s privacy has been invaded over and over and over. Prior to 1994, I would have described myself as a very trusting, happy, and optimistic person. I was friendly, and smiled often. I enjoyed meeting new people and being around friends and family.
Now, after so many long years of this, I have become suspicious of strangers, and sometimes even acquaintances. At times I have found myself not returning a person’s smile because I think they might be a participant in this intrusive, horrible game. To know you have done nothing and yet to feel a sort of dislike and disrespect from complete strangers is a very uncomfortable feeling. I honestly fear for my life, my health and my safety on a daily basis. How can I possibly know of what these serial stalkers are capable? They have acted in an illegal and immoral manner since 1994.
Names and locations mentioned in the book have been changed or disguised for the protection of my family only. I don’t care at all about protecting the identities of the stalkers, but by changing their names, I am protecting myself, also. I also will not reveal identifying information such as our professions, employers, or any identifying information about our daughter. I will not reveal most conversations I have had with private investigators or law enforcement personnel. One person I believe to be behind this is a medical doctor by the name of “Anthony Hanson, M.D.” The latest information I have, from several years ago, is that he works and resides in City X. I am not sure in what capacity he is still involved, but I am almost sure that he, or someone from his office, was instrumental in some way in starting the organized stalking activities in 1994 in City A. I am hoping that by documenting the story, I may eventually get some answers.
As I will disclose in this book, the people who have found ways to break into our homes, presumably to install and tend to hidden surveillance equipment and to snoop into our computers and other personal items, have had little respect for our home or our belongings.
Over the course of the many years this has been going on, we have had walls and ceilings nicked and scratched, holes punched in our drywall, light fixtures broken, a window broken, locks tampered with, weather stripping cut, lamp and chandelier fixture sockets loosened and even replaced, a ceramic tile chipped, furniture scratched and banged up, doors and door thresholds gouged and scratched, appliances tampered with and broken, a hole punched through our exterior stucco, and many, many more things damaged.
As long as this has been going on, it has been hard to come up with proof, other than all of the damage and strange and ridiculous things that have happened to our cars, our houses, our telephones, our computers, and my family. The people involved seem much more interested in continuing their game, at any cost, than in giving any thought as to how it is affecting us. In fact, it is a reaction and acknowledgement from the target that excites the stalkers and keeps them going. Experts advise stalking victims not to react or get upset in front of the stalkers, but that is sometimes difficult!
Telling this story is my effort to document what has happened. Over the years I have kept notes on many of the strange things that have happened. I have pages and pages and pages of notes documenting many of the strange events that have happened. These are not nearly all the stalking-related events, as this has continued to go on 24/7/365 since at least 1994. But these are some of the events that I took the time to document. It is from all of these notes, and my recollections, that this book is written. All of the years that this has been going on have been filled, over and over and over, with the same sorts of things that are documented here. This book will barely scratch the surface on the subject of organized stalking.