1. Get into the Wisdom of the ages: Be here Now.
2. The Present is the best present one can receive.
3. Metaphysical synonyms include Peace, Way, Truth, Life, Love, Wisdom, Now, Present, God, Reality, Spirit, Holy Spirit, Being, and Mind.
4. The Now is the substance of all that does not contain physical quantity, and the reality of everything that is not matter.
5. As you begin to understand the invalidity of the material world, you develop a taste for Reality.
6. Truth is, was, and shall be forever.
7. The ignorant ignore the Now.
8. An ounce of Spirit is far more substantive than a pound of matter, or Spirit is greater than matter to the nth power.
9. People who need people are the luckiest people in the world if they use their God given delicacy as a spur to seek the Spirit.
10. The Now is sacred silence, and it is sacrilegious, and paradoxical, to talk or write about it too much.
11. Within and about us is that which is more precious than anything else on earth; the only caveat is that it cannot be seen or touched, only witnessed.
12. A good day is one in which you find yourself in Being a good deal of the time; on a bad day you are lost in imagination and activity all the time.
13. Progress is being made when the fellowship of the Holy Spirit becomes more natural, comfortable, and familiar.
14. Everyone can have a love in their life: The Now.
15. The only external worth thinking about is God.
18. The desire to possess a beautiful thing is a futile or self-contradictory attempt to bottle or own the Present that does not exist in the form of an article; the object becomes boring after a while because the Now neither is, nor ever was, to be found in it.
1. People will try anything to achieve the beatific vision, except the cessation of all activity.
2. It is better to bask, than ask, for Enlightenment.
3. Animals can move and feel, and man can move, feel, think, and create, but the enlightened try to avoid these activities, when possible.
4. A slight or even fairly significant disability is a small price to pay for Illumination.
5. The Divine Science is an attempt to bring us back to our primordial spiritual beginnings by overcoming the ill effects of language.
1. The greatest happiness you ever had is the same as your joy right now, if you only stop, close your eyes, and feel it.
2. If you do not feel great right now, you fail to understand that this is as good as it gets.
3. All men are created equal, but not all have equanimity.
4. We think that special moment was when we experienced a particular person or place in a wondrous way, but it was the Present, at that precise time, that was the source of the inexplicable joy that we remember so well.
5. The mystic blocks out the fear of death through bliss, and the belief that his soul will finally return to the great sea of Being, that he loves so much, again one day.
6. Rest on your laurels, if they consist of your capacity to rest.
1. The only thing we can be certain is never a waste of time is meditation.
2. Thoughtfulness is obliviousness; mindfulness is Reality.
3. Less is more, but the most is nothing.
4. The easiest way to lose the desirable capacity to observe or remember your self is to start talking or listening to someone.
5. Although one does not intend to be vengeful, self-awareness is, inadvertently, the best revenge.
6. A person may be excellent at meditation, with a highly concentrated and focused mind, but may not appreciate his superb mental capacity, like a man sitting on a pot of gold, unaware of the treasure that surrounds him.
1. Stop, stand straight, look at a distant object, breathe attentively and rhythmically, and try to appear like a Greek or Roman statue, a motionless mime, or a figure in a wax museum.
2. The best game to play with your child is to see who can stand or sit still for the longest time.
3. The beatific vision of the great Catholic saints is the capacity to strike a prolonged meditative pose, concentrating totally upon loving God, for as long as one wishes, at any time one wants.
4. Provided everything stops, including thought, one realizes that doing nothing always makes one happier than doing something.
1. The belief in the eternal life of the soul of those who achieve a certain level of being, found in early philosophy, and certain religions such as Christianity, is the best way for man to overcome the traumatic fear of death, that is one of the greatest sources of sickness on earth.
2. The panacea is the Present, and the elixir is the Now; stillness is our salvation.
3. Loneliness is the feeling that the Present, your best friend, is your enemy.
4. Good books are like crutches for the soul, but once we are healed, and the heart is opened to the greater Being around us, we no longer need them for support, and can give them to our friends and loved ones.
5. Sometimes it takes a massive blow to the ego, like an accident, illness, or shock, to provide the motive to try to scuttle the ego altogether, and seek Life on a much higher level.
1. A person who does not believe in objective standards of truth is like a blind man who cannot understand why he is unable to see, or why those with vision move around so easily.
2. Those who believe values are subjective engage in far more psychological lying in defense of the ego than those who subscribe to universal standards of objective truth.
3. The idea that one should live for others is a consequence of the belief in objective truth; the doctrine of self-interest results from allegiance to subjective or personal values.