Kingdom Building: A Labor of Love is a book inspired by faith and trusting in God for guidance in implementing economic development projects for Kingdom building.
…How many projects have you thought of that you never follow-up on? Have you ever wondered where those thoughts were coming from? Thoughts such as developing projects or program that will help others, the church, and the community are spiritually based and driven...
…Vision-casting is a mind changing experience for mission work that begins with the leader and transcends to the people. If the group is not on one accord, stop wasting your time and energy. The vision is not going anywhere…
…Vision movers are focused on projects that are for God’s Kingdom, not for personal gains. If the workers’ intentions are insincere, they will son grow tired of the project and move on….
…Mission-driving is the roadmap to the group…Vision-casting and mission-driving are parallel. The vision is the idea to be actualized. The mission is the principle or statement that will be accomplished….One of the hardest things for people to write is the mission statement…
…Capacity building is assessing the resources you need and finding them. Capacity building is to prepare or build your organization’s ability to implement and manage grants, programs, and services related to the mission…Incorporation is a major part of capacity building and it will safeguard the organization… Getting non-profit status is separate from applying for incorporation…
…Assess the talents and skills of the vision-movers or core working group... A feasibility study is needed to determine if the church or organization has the capacity to run a program, what infrastructure is needed, and where the resources will come from…It’s okay to do skill assessment for the workers, the level of experience for the work to be done, their occupation, and their educational levels and degrees…
…While researching you project, you will need to find out if there are collaborative opportunities…For future funding opportunities, grantees are very interested in collaborative efforts, not a solo approach…Workshops are great ways to network with other organizations. Oftentimes, it is not necessary to re-invent the wheel, just research on what makes the wheel move and you possibly will be able to make the wheel roll faster or longer…
…When you have completed your research and understand the scope of the project you will be implementing, you are now ready to get the word out about what you are doing….One approach to facilitating a community project is to organize an old fashion town hall meeting to discuss issues in the community…
…Record keeping will always be important. Start now and stay organized. Record keeping can be as simple as a sign-in sheet, a program or a flier. Document what you do, with whom did you meet, how many participated, and very import, what was the outcome.
…Through research, you will have a good idea of where to focus your efforts in the submission of proposals…It is strongly recommended that you or a team attend a grant writing course. Understanding the process will eliminate the concept that there is free and easy month available for the program…
…The budget is very important. The format may be simple or complicated. If our project has an unrealistic budget it will not be funded. Make sure the number add up. The budget justification must be clear and explains in detail what you are asking to be funded and your contributions to the project…
…One of the key components of a successful funded program is managing the program within the scope of work you described in the initial grant proposal. Use the money for the intent it was awarded for manage the program as expressed, and keep the program focused on your mission…Grants management is a critical business practice that you must have in place before you accept a grant…
…A daycare center is an ideal business enterprise…The core planning group to work on the development of the daycare framework must consist of individuals with various skills and talents, not just a love of children…There are various types of daycare businesses. Deciding on the business operations that will work for your organization is the starting point…Research is a big key in operating a successful childcare center. Get all the facts first!
…A community development program is a considerable mission. How do you develop a community? ...A community service organization is a nonprofit entity that is organized to provide services to residents in the community or have special interest in the development of services for the public at large…Community development requires and calls for an organization or individual to become intimately involved in the lives of the people in a community, typically through mission work...
…Starting a faith-based organization is like organizing a business. Faith is the foundation and belief is the architect… Faith-based organizations are engaged in a wide variety of activities that provide service and immediate benefits to needy individuals and families….Organizing and managing a faith-based organization, particularly within a church, will have unique challenges. Motivational support for the team will be needed…Where you are located will determine the extent of your outreach to the public…Growing a faith-based organization requires a strong core committee, a solid program, suitable location, qualified staff and enduring faith…
…Vision-casting is a life changing experience…Kingdom building is the responsibility of all Christians…Stay to course and give it all you have and God will bless your efforts…