George Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention, during which time the Constitution was approved and adopted at the State house in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787. Only he, a moral, honorable and dignified man -- through personal example, committed leadership and force of character -- could hold the strong-willed, opinion-differing men together at the glorious Constitutional Convention. The destiny of a great nation lay upon the shoulders of this heroic leader.
One of 39 men to sign the Constitution.
Soon after wrote de Lafayette that “It (the Constitution) appears to me, then, little short of a miracle.”
Hall of Heroes
Inducted by Life Magazine in 1998 into its Hall of Heroes, these words most appropriately written by historian Garry Wills: “Washington is the greatest President, greatest leader, greatest politician. He steered a course through revolution and nation-building with immense tact and wisdom. Nobody else could have done it.”
He was equal to the task.
This man was the personification of the uppermost inherent worth of Western man.
He was a man of understanding, judgment, and devotion to and faith in God.
He was a solider of physical strength, uprightness, and moral fiber beyond reproach.
He was a Christian patriot with a sense of destiny and great courage.
He was willing to fight and die for a just cause, his cause.
An American Hero
Yes, George Washington is an American hero whose eminence is not fully covered by the record of his life. For example, the man was substantially greater than anything he did.
He was a military genius, a mastermind.
He wrenched freedom, independence and liberty from oppression;
He was an outstanding a statesman.
He helped evolve a secure government from political turmoil;
He was a patriot.
He refused a crown.
Wisdom and understanding, persistence, forbearance, bravery, dedication to the worthy cause animated his every act.
Thanklessness, unfairness and disloyalty never disillusioned him, but served to reinforce and make his character stronger.
He grew in dignity and in capability to the need of his mounting responsibility and authority.
He never became pompous or disdainful.
Personal aspirations and selfish opportunity never tempted him from the slender corridor of honor.
Some Important Highlights
Few people realize that George Washington (1732 – 1799) was a man who formally attended school only to the elementary level. Yet, he went on to become Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in 1775, and served in this capacity until 1783.
Washington first gained prominence leading troops from Virginia in support of the British Empire during the French and Indian War (1754–1763), a conflict which he inadvertently helped to start.
After leading the American victory in the Revolutionary War, he relinquished his military power and returned to civilian life. This act alone brought him much renown.
There was initially a question as to how the new leader was to be properly addressed. The Senate proposed that he be called “King” or as “His Highness the President of the United States and Protector of Their Liberties.” Washington refused to consider either of these titles. As a result, the Senate and the House of Representatives, after much heated debate, compromised and agreed on the use of the much less pompous “President of the United States.”
After his second term expired, Washington again retired to civilian life. He thereby established an important precedent of peaceful change of government that was to serve as an example for the United States and for future Republics throughout the world.
Because of his central role in the founding of the United States, Washington is often called the “Father of the Country.” Scholars rank him among the greatest of United States presidents.
Washington’s Faith in God
Washington, “without making ostentatious professions of religion, was a sincere believer in the Christian faith, and a truly devout man,” according to John Marshall, first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Marshall had fought with General Washington at Valley Forge during the War for Independence.
After Washington died on December 4, 1799, Reverend J. T. Kirkland said: “The virtues of our departed friend were crowned by piety. He is known to have been habitually devout. To Christian institutions he gave the countenance of his, example; and no one could express, more fully, his sense of the Providence of God, and the dependence of man.”
Washington’s Spiritual Life
I want to make special note of Washington’s spiritual life. He dutifully recorded the words of advice his mother, Mary, gave him when he was leaving home to begin what would turn out to be a lifelong service to his country. She instructed her son with these words: “Remember that God is our only one trust. To Him, I commend you … My son, neglect not the duty of secret prayer.”
And did George Washington heed his mother‘s admonition? Of course he did. Here is what he in turn said about her: “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.”
Throughout his life, whether while a young man, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, or President of the United States, George Washington showed, by example, how meaningful were his mother’s teachings.
He’d stand up at promptly 9:00 pm, take his candle, and go off by himself. There, from 9:00pm to 10:00pm, he wouldn’t be seen. He was alone on his knees in front of a chair praying. A candle stood on a stand next to the chair. And his Bible was open before him. This he would do even when guests were present. Then promptly at 10:00pm, he would emerge and go directly to his bedroom.
He’d get up every morning at 4:00am, and spend another hour in the same room. He could be found kneeling before the same chair, in the same posture, with the same Bible open before him.