Pagan Heart.
(Adendum B)
Wiccasha Gnosi Wittangemot is the parent of the Illuminati, therefore it is the neopagan doctrine of the right hand path, it differs from the coven in that it bases temple craft on the guild structure of prognosticators and Christo Pagan Mysticism and Farsi Kabbalistic Astrology and Angelic correspondances which form the basis for Illuminati Theurgy as Practiced by Michael Nostradamus whom many self proclaimed modern Witches and Pagans thumb their noses at, otherwise known as the Crowleyite and Alexandrian community(who we oppose ideologically:), our discipline’s historical roots can be traced back to ancient times through the works of Arthur Edward Waite. Hence the Christo Pagan Symposium.
The Sacred Beer
The sacred beer is used to strengthen the spirit and to praise all that is sacred, it is so sacred it is used in some wakes to sprinkle over the body of the dead so that when their spirit enters the hereafter the gods will smell the beer and invite the spirit of the deceased to celebrate in the halls of heaven. Blessed with tincture of honey the beer of the gods is turned to mead, when drank in the presence of friends it is good to recount the memory of lost loved ones and pass on wise sayings of gods and soothsayers and use the blessing of the beer to laugh and copulate whenever possible.
The blessing of the beer: “May this honey bestow it’s sweetness to my features, to my smell, to my taste, to my heart and mind that I might know the gods, In the name of Memory and Wisdom sent by Alfadur creator of the gods and all that is created I invoke the blessing of the gods of light in this beer by the traditions created in the first cities of the Urvanir, may I stand with them who oppose the darkness from my father’s people and mother’s people all the way back to the beginning. May this mead bring the gods and goddesses to our hearths that we might see their beautiful faces and shining teeth grinning and hear their sweet laughter and join us in song and drink and honorable conversations.” The Beer shall make us one in life and in death, it is good for peace, and good for times of war, everyone who takes beer with their corn shall set their stomach at ease and give cause to bless Zurvan Ormuze and his whole house which is to say the gods of light, The blackheads know him as Akka Lefarra, which is to say Akka speaks or Akkad which is easier to say for Akka means Great Spirit, which is what Alfadur means. Many names but one meaning for the Creator of the gods, the God of heaven which Cyrus declared to us. True Pagans acknowledge the Absolutes of good and evil, just as Zeus did in his war with the Titans and just as Lady Ishtar did when she opposed the kingdom of Cuthalu, Pagan virtue demanded it of the Pagan heroes of antiquity. These are also the values of Ancient Astrologers spanning various Pagan faiths and formed the basis for Occult truth among their Magicians as Bachus himself will attest. Diana of the Ephesians demands loyalty to all that is good and requires her worshippers to shun all that which is evil, what communion has light with darkness? She despises Hekate of the left hand path, she despises Kali of the blood rite, she scowls at the Vampire gods and the evil possessing spirits that harms people and kills children. Beware the lies of the left hand path, do not celebrate the mysteries with them or drink to their health lest the serpent of discord fill you with her venom. Shun all appearances of Evil and keep only good company, may the gods bring you into the halls of their celebration!