Table of Contents: Forward Woodland Elf Pixy Princess The Enchantress The Statue Ancient Echoes Journey Kirkwood The Homecoming The Unicorn and the Dragon The Quest for the Holy Grail
Poetry by its very nature is a spiritual thing. It originates in the heart and travels a long and mystical journey on its way to the written page. There it awaits a reader to discover it. Once found, it comes to life and creates a pathway way that leads the reader on that very same journey. It encompasses many different terrains, times and emotions. The beauty of a joyous loving heart celebrating the sunrise, and the emptiness of the darkest night of the soul can both be experienced. But the reader is not alone, for the author has been there, and knows the destination. It is a loving journey back to the heart.
Joseph W. Svec III
(Excerpt from Woodland Elf)
"In withered times of ages past when I was young and free, I sought a dream that couldn’t last, was never meant to be.
Whilst walking through the woods one day with quiver and bow in hand, a soft and magic voice my way came drifting oe’r the land.
It sang in tones so sweet and bright that tears came to my eyes. A lilting voice, it seemed as light as dancing butterflies.
The maiden fair whose voice so sweet doth grace the morning air, I must seek out and surely meet, or I shall sore despair.
I followed the music through the glen, through lands hilly and wide. I came across a meadow then, and believed not what I spied.
A woodland elf sat in a field of flowers colored bright. To her then did my heart yield to view this magic sight.
(Excerpt from The Enchantress)
Hear the waves along the shore, their endless, timeless roll. Hear the mystery and more. It touches deep the soul.
They sing of sailing ships gone by, of endless ocean reaches, of the sirens beckoning cry beyond the sandy beaches.
In the silver moonlit sea, can you hear her voice? A maiden softly calls to thee. You know you have no choice.
Never have you heard such singing pure and crystal clear. In your heart you hear it ringing. You must draw it near.
She sings of salt sea travel, of journeys far and wide. Your senses now unravel as you drift across the tide.
(Excerpt from The Unicorn & the Dragon)
“Where does reality lie?” He said to no one with a sigh, and then continued in his chore only to say aloud once more.
“Where does reality lie? Is it just to be born and die? I know there’s more. It must be so, or why bother on with life to go?”
“I’ll tell you where reality lies. Just look with your heart, instead of your eyes.” “Who said that?” he cried with startled shout, as he anxiously looked all around him about.
But not a single soul could he find, just questions starting to fill his mind . “I know I heard. Who can it be? and above all why can’t I see?”
“Because you’re using your eyes.” said the voice. “Let go of your fears. Rejoice! In using your eyes to see you’ll find they look through the window of your mind.
The mind quite often will deceive, it’s thoroughly trained to disbelieve. So let the light of your heart shine through. Dispel the shadows inside of you.”