The poet submits to a poem but wrestles a poem into Submission for an occasion
When I sit to lay my thoughts, I think not structure or form The rhythm moves the beat that dictates the flow, in the law of octaves. Though deviations permit a line to the mind and one to the heart; in the end it all rest upon the spirit.
The Poet
Yes, I am a Poet Not a power puppet or a love prophet I am the timekeeper, The street sweeper, The weeper and, The beseecher I am the storyteller. Alone lonely and depressed The dancer taps a new step A singer harps a new key The poet writes another line on an empty page
The Writer I (1) I am guilty of being uncertain Fickle and capricious am I Neither here nor there going as I dare But the world is an ever-changing place With an ever shifting face and I but conform So what matters if I uncertain be?
Haiku Winter- The wind breathes her icy breath The sun a shadow while the moon Eclipses her face
Dew- Mist at morning light In spring
Mirror I see myself in seasons Black, gray, silver White
Defined in Negative I am not she but were it not for her where would I am be?
Writers Block
When my mind is filled with things to say, I suffer not the monster block, The nightmare shock The repulsive fire-breathing beast curses the writer "I" and I am besieged by the dragon rock. My thoughts fall to dust before my very eyes. The words I wish to inscribe, the words I wish to prophesize fall to the sea. Imaginings slide, losing themselves in the crevices of the forgotten before they reach my lips, before I find my pen.
The fire comes upon me and suddenly the craving takes my breath. The yearning marks my every tread. I close my eyes and savor sweet nectar. Passion sweeps love over me.
Love Speaks (1) Love speaks but I do not. When it comes to love, the emotions betray me while the love binds me. The man I love, I would not speak. When I speak of love no odes to Billy no ballads to Bob. Thoughts strung about in moments of wonder in times of love.
(5) Love, elusive mistress, stealth hunter, mystic aberration, evasive feelings, wandering minstrel, Cupid with bow and arrow
Jealousy Pain when he speaks the name of another love. Doubt makes a woman disbelieve her love, makes her suffer and weep. Love that doubts makes her mortal, does not love her.