epilogue The Red king stood at the top of a hill overlooking the valley floor below. The sun was creeping up above the horizon melting away the fog and gloom. It had been raining for three weeks. Something unusual this time of year. One of the other three had been responsible for the torrential downpour. He suspected Yellow. They were all four capable of such things. He himself had created a hail storm on Black and his army to impede his progress. The only thing about weather manipulation is that one had to be careful or the conditions one set in motion could alter weather patterns and adverse situations could come back and haunt you. A thunder storm could create a super cell that could cause a tornado that could double back and decimate your troops. All four of them had to be careful as to how much manipulation they could use. An all out power war between the four of them would shred this puny world and tare it to pieces. Something they could not afford to do while they were trapped here on this puny planet. Thanks to that wretched child. Looking around at his troops he thought, This is how this particular game had to be played. Instead of watching safely from the cosmos from where they had destroyed countless worlds before they were smack dab in the middle of the action. The stakes were higher than they ever were before. They could actually die. These mundane creatures dealt with death everyday of their lives. But for an immortal demigod like himself the thought was unbearable. Fear was something he had never experience before and he had to battle with the emotion to keep from losing his mind. Sloshing through the mud fighting hand to hand was barbaric. But these were the new rules. He looked down at his hands and body. Taking the form of such mundane creatures was revolting. Passing gas and being dirty was beneath him. The first time he became hungry panic gripped him to the point that he thought he was dying. Once again he thought these are just different rules to the same game. The same game he had played so many times before. The wretched child had somehow altered everything. Randa was her name. The unseen one that would disappear from the fabric of space. Disappear so that not even any of the four of them could see her even somtimes when they were up in the cosmos. Somehow thanks to her they had been ripped from their haven and were forced down into this wretched existence. She had also thwarted his plan to usurp Yellows power and take over his troops by saving his young queen from certain death. The idiot had had her right under his nose and didnt realize it. That would have been a check mate for sure considering Yellows weakened state. Just then as if on cue his queen in all her crimson glory came gliding up the hill to his side. The sight of her brought a smile to his face. Not everything about being human was bad. He thought. The pleasures of his queen for example with almost enough to make him want to stay human. Almost. Baths were wonderful as well and he had embraced both baths and his queen literally and indulged in both whole heartedly. Steak lobster and ice cream were other pleasures that he delighted in. His mouth watered just thinking about them(the steak and lobster). She was not happy at the moment. The troops gave her a wide berth whenever they saw her and scattered out of her way like ants. Her power was great (powers granted by him) and only surpassed by his. She was in her fury and wanted to fight. He would not allow her. He smiled again thinking that it was always interesting when she was like that. Patients was always his strong suit. It was what had given him victory after victory all these years. It had put him behind In this race but his army was still fully intact.Yellow had suffered greatly for being impatient he had ran into an ambush set up by Black and green that had cost him a port knight, a bishop, a rook and a third of his foot pawn. How those two have managed to trust each other to form an alliance was beyond his understanding. That alliance however suited his purpose however their attention would be devided since they would be watching each other for betrayal. Just then a portal opened up and one of his port knights came riding through. He had gotten a brief glimpse of mountains through the portal before the portal winked shut. The sun was up and he looked far into the horizon at the mountain range he had just seen close up through the portal. His knight nodded to him and once again he smiled. The pass was there through the mountains. His Short cut through some old mines. He was going to make it to his fortress before the others. That would give him a distinct advantage. Once there he would be able to tap into the power of the cosmos and with quit a bit of manipulation he would be able to locate the girl and the game board. All four of them were attached to the board and he was feeling the effects of being seperated from it. He was going through withdrawl. The girl had somehow ripped the board out of subspace while in astral form. How she did not he did not know. The four of them had been ripped along with it. They had had no choice but to come down and posses the bodies of the four kings they had been using. After barking out a few orders to his general to get the army moving he stepped into his huge tent that hovered a few feet above the muddy ground with his queen. The race was on. What had taken place so far were preliminaries. Let the real games begin.
See the game at www.chesswars.ca