The book introduces the authors scientific discovery of aether and new aether science, the major scientific breakthrough since Copernicus and Galileo. Galileo has led to develop physics of mechanics that has been repeatedly proven to be the correct physics for over three centuries and has been conclusively proven to be the only real science. It teaches that all phenomena must be produced by matters having masses and relative motions (aether). Having not disproved physics of mechanics, scientists should have no choice but to continue search for aether. However, out of frustration of long-time failure in finding aether, scientists and the entire scientific community have made a fatal mistake to develop and to accept no-aether theories contradictory to the teachings of physics of mechanics. Einsteins scientific revolution has further led the world to openly rebel against physics of mechanics and into a new religious pseudo-science era amazingly similar to that of Geocentrism, since all no-aether theories are based on religion-like beliefs (unscientific postulations) and mathematical models like the religious pseudo-science of Ptolemy. Finding aether again has conclusively disproved all no-aether theories including modern physics and modern cosmology, which should not be developed and be accepted to begin with.
Already has a scientific scope broader than all no-aether theories combined, new aether science has expanded physics of mechanics to the science of everything. It proves with very strong scientific evidences that the atmosphere of neutrinos is the common scientific origin of all universal phenomena. It further shows that neutrinos are not the inert particles scientists have believed. Instead, they are very interactive playing vital roles in making up all matters and in interacting with them to produce all universal phenomena such as gravity, light and the huge nuclear energy the universe constantly consumes. The biggest surprise of all is that neutrinos are the fundamental particles of all matters, since both proton and electron are made of an absolutely uncharged particle having an atmosphere of neutrinos of its own showing all charge properties!
The scientific revolution started in 16th Century led by Copernicus and his followers of course including his famous successor Galileo in 17th Century, which had ended the era of the religious pseudo-science known as Geocentric Era lasted well over a thousand years. The revolution also marked the beginning of searching for the only real science and scientific method. Galileo has led to the development of physics of mechanics and the scientific method using experimental findings and observations to make new scientific discovery and to prove/disprove scientific ideas. However, even today, three centuries-plus after the scientific revolution, the universe has remained to be the biggest scientifically unsolved mystery and the topics of the origins of the world still are the territory of religions, thus, are full of religious beliefs. Even today the separation of science from religion still has many difficult controversy issues, such as evolution vs. creation and intelligent design. The most difficult issue is certainly the having aether science (physics of mechanics) v. no-aether theories given in this book, which again has led the world into a new era of religious pseudo-science for a century already.
The progress in scientific discovery and understanding is largely limited by the availability of technology to conduct experiments. For example, scientists have not been able to find aether for centuries and as a result the progress of physics of mechanics has long been stopped. However, religious beliefs and the eager of corrupted scientists to protect their own empire are even more damaging to the progress of science. For example, despite having strong scientific evidences to prove that neutrinos are the aether and common scientific origin of all universal phenomena, the entire scientific community and scientific agencies of our government such as NSF have continued to ignore the uniquely breakthrough discovery given in this book to blindly support no-aether theories.
All universal phenomena and their properties have been discovered experimentally. The scientific problem is that they are interpreted by no-aether theories, which is incompatible with physics of mechanics. Physics of mechanics has long concluded that all phenomena are produced by matters having masses and relative motions and predicted that all universal phenomena are also produced by some matters (aether). After several centuries of concentrated R&D effort worldwide, many properties of all the universal phenomena have been found and studied in detail. Putting all findings together a clear picture appears showing that all universal phenomena have common properties indicating that they are produced by the same matter(s) (aether). Therefore, although scientists have not found aether, its properties have long been discovered and studied in detail.
The book points out that only the atmosphere neutrinos has the unique properties of all the universal phenomena and is the only thing taking up all the space in the universe constantly replenished by all stars. The above scientific evidences have conclusively proven that the atmosphere of neutrinos is the aether scientists have looked for centuries and the common scientific origin of all universal phenomena.
The new aether science offers a mechanical interpretation to all universal phenomena. Its new cosmology has the old three-dimensional universe having absolute time and dimension. It is an open universe constantly losing neutrinos and the energies they carry. Based on the definition that universe is an energy-consume system like a fire, there must be an even larger environment to host it. This larger environment is called domain of the nature by the author. Outside universe the domain of the nature collects protons and electrons to form very dense matters having structure similar to atomic nuclei and they are named dense-matter objects by the author. A universe is formed by a violent collision of two large dense matter objects instantly forming billions of baby stars, which contain 100% dense-matter objects and are invisible. Inside a universe, which has a dense energetic atmosphere of neutrinos, dense-matter objects undergo nuclear reactions to form matters having atomic and molecular structures, bright stars, and all stars having dense masses.