Liberalism is a media-induced judgement disorder, not an ideological doctrine. Liberals have been conditioned to rely on their feelings and to judge people and events, not on some moral or logical basis, but on how they gratify their own emotions. Liberals use a nonobjectivist kind of decision making with no relation to future impact. Their politics serves only as an emotional tonic for unhappy reality, the sole purpose of which is to feel good. With such morally and mentally perverse people in charge of our opinion-forming institutions is it any wonder our society also seems to lurch toward madness and self destruction?
A healthy view (whether spoken or not) holds that morality for each people must at least promote their long-term survival, and by their survival is so proven. Liberals, on the other hand, believe that morality is whatever feels good. Self-gratification is the liberals' basis for judging morals. Survival implications mean nothing.
With the wrong criterion for judging right from wrong (and with the arrogance of presumed moral superiority to blind them), liberals are practically guaranteed to make the wrong decision time after time. If third world immigration assuages their guilt over being rich, they will support wholesale invasion, even if it threatens their own children's survival. If liberals fear guns, they will support all sorts of prohibitions, even if doing so disarms the victims and leaves criminals well-armed.
Liberals are not concerned with outcomes or even with how policies work. They are only concerned with how policies FEEL. Thus, they often embrace false and unworkable principles (like equality) simply because they are emotionally irresistible.
In attempting to implement unworkable policies, liberals forget the end result and commit crimes "for the sake of the principle." (What they really mean is for the sake of their own emotional satisfaction.) The more they fail in pursuit of the principle, the more extreme becomes the repression and the more ridiculous the lies to excuse it. If you doubt this, consider the convolutions of logic and hysterical defense of so-called affirmative action. After years of special programs to help blacks compete with whites, the result is still unequal. Yet liberals applaud affirmative action nonetheless because, while it fails to help blacks, it most certainly helps LIBERALS (to feel good).
As long as liberals continue to favor emotional gratification over survival needs, they will remain unable to judge policies morally. And when the hysterical passion of that elite becomes the decision making process of the nation, then people mistake good for bad and bad for good; they mistake death for life and wind up destroying themselves and society in the pursuit of false virtues.
This is the REAL reason for our social decline. The politics which rules our lives is actually not an ideology at all. It is a systematic moral failure, a moral insanity, if you will, in judging good from evil. All of our policy mistakes then follow.
Even though other ideologues may sometimes employ emotions in their politics as the means to a material end, liberals employ emotions as a means to an emotional end: their own bliss. For example, conservatives may employ greed in order to justify economic capitalism. Racists may make use of hatred to bring about racial exclusivity. Communists may rely on jealousy to kindle class strife. But only liberals employ emotional politics purely for the benefit of their own sensitivities.
It is not that liberals lack an end in mind as do the others. It is rather that their sole end is their own emotional happiness. Thus liberalism's seemingly infinite (and often contradictory) agenda: from free love to feminism and from Green Peace to the Sanctuary Movement. The content may change but the charisma remains. Liberals are often emotional, self-indulgent people who mistake their own passion for morality and their own arrogance for insight.
Naturally, people for whom emotional gratification is a priority select political and social policies which best gratify their emotions. No matter what age or era of liberalism one examines, its agenda always satisfies the sensitivities of its members. It stresses hopes and myths, gods and outright lies, the only common feature of which is emotional satisfaction.
In the past, liberals depended on the slickly packaged policies of the socialist left to satisfy their anxiety. However, as the "toiling masses" of the western countries became affluent, championing them no longer gratified their senses. Liberals had to synthesize new underdogs (poor blacks, women, homosexuals) in order to strut their stuff in sympathy. The exact same behavior occurred vis a vis Israel too. As long as Jews were seen as weak and vulnerable, liberals hysterically waved their flag and marched at their rallies. The moment Israel crushed the Arabs in 1967 and was seen as powerful, liberals went searching for more suitable objects of pity.
Some liberals use their politics to assuage an underlying guilt towards certain groups. Others take pleasure from dreams of the future, while still more satisfy fears of catastrophe with simplistic analyses and simple-minded solutions. Whatever soothes the consciences of such hysterics and whatever stirs the passions of stylish crusaders is immediately embraced - almost religiously - as moral and undeniable. Liberalism is the modern-day mania of secular spiritualists. Forget the Carl Sagan pretense of scientific rationality. What counts in liberalism is how it feels, and how it feels must be good.