This book is just a simple reminder of what we have lost in pursuit of gaining more.
We, as humans have rushed so much and have been told by companies that we have come a long way and have achieved much, so reward yourself by buying our product. We have bought the products and gone to the quicker store, but did we get more, better, and faster?
What have we really lost, if anything, to giving in to the powerful corporate structure of the American machine? We will address these questions throughout this book.
Yes, you are perfectly right this is a book that is loosely based on a book about moving cheese and the mice that chase it in the corporate structure. It is one of the most popular $20.00, 94 page, huge print, and many-pictured book, in the corporate world. Many companies use and distribute this book to their employees.
This book starts out following the cheese book but then goes deeper in to the causes and effects that take place in our society to determine how we end up in situations in the workplace and in life.