From Chapter 3: Get Off Your Butt and Take Some Immediate Action!
I am amazed at how lazy people can be! I talk to so many people who want to see results, but they dont want to take the actions necessary to see those results. People just keep making excuses for why they just cant succeed. They dont have the right boss. They dont have the right employees. They dont live in the right neighborhood. They dont live in the right city state country planet. Then pick a different planetgo to Uranus! Just quit complaining, get off your butt (speaking of Uranus), and take some immediate action!
I see people sitting around all day dreaming about the way things should be. They need to get off their butts and take some immediate action! Everyone has dreams, but what separates successful people from unsuccessful people isnt their dreams, its their actions. Dreams without action are nothing more than hallucination!
How many people have you met with great ideas and great dreams? Plenty, Im sure. I know I have. But there are few who actually act on those dreams or ideas to become successful. The ones who do, and see it through, are the ones who got off their butts and took immediate action.
Jay Sorenson was struggling financially to support his family in Portland Oregon. One day he spilled a hot cup of coffee on his lap because the outside of the cup was too hot. He didnt sue anyone for millions (like the moron who sued McDonalds for spilling a hot cup of coffee and won!). Instead, Jay starting thinking of ideas. He finally came up with the idea of a cardboard sleeve that would fit around the cup and protect your hands from the heat.
So Jay borrowed money from his parents to hire a patent attorney and then went $100,000 in debt to produce the coffee jackets. He hit the streets, soliciting cafes and coffee houses. He paid his dues. He invested, time, money, and energy to make it happen. He went to a coffee trade show where he got orders from cafes. His hard work and effort paid offorders starting streaming in. The sleeves have an average cost of .04 cents each and Jay Sorensons company, Java Jackets, now sells between 20-25 million jackets a month! You do the math. He and his wife also donate a large amount of money to charitable foundations.
Many people have ideas like Jay, but most of those people just dream about their ideas or talk about them. What made Jay successful was taking immediate action to turn his idea into a successful reality. Sometimes its just that simple! But most people would rather just dream. If they actually took action and failed, their dreams would be shattered. If they dont bother to try, they can continue to just dream about it and talk about while holding on to their dream and living in La La Land (yep, thats a real placepeople go there often and many people live there! Its crowded and overpopulated now.)
According to the A.C. Neilson Co., the average person watches about four hours of television a day. That means if the average person started watching the average amount of TV at the age of five and lived to be age seventy, the average person would have spent over ten years of his/her life in front of a TV. That is just downright ridiculous. I wont even go into the negative influence that the crap on TV has on youIll just stick with the issue of the colossal waste of time that it represents. Ten years!
And people wonder why they cant get ahead and they cant get a break. Well get a clue! Step away from the television and you will add years of available time to your life to reach your goals. People often ask me how I get so much stuff done. I always give the same answer: I dont watch TV.
It amazes me that people would rather sit around watching a reality show of someone elses real life than to live their own. What is wrong with you people?! Dont you have enough drama in your own life that you have to be looking for drama in everyone elses life? Geez! If you need some drama, come to one of my family gatherings well treat you to some good ole down home drama like youve never seen!
I hear people complain all the time about not having the time to better themselves or make changes in their lives. Successful people and unsuccessful people have the exact same amount of time available to them. The difference is how that time is allocated or prioritized.
And you cant make the time for something either. If you had the ability to make time, youd be one very rich and famous person with a lot of time on your hands! Dont say you dont have the time for something. Be honest and real. Say you dont want to make something a priority enough to fit in your schedule. We all have time for what is important to us. If it was important enough to you, I guarantee you would make time for it!
Have you seen the amount of time people waste at work? They chit chat too much or sit on their computers playing games or reading blogs. If you dont know what a blog is, its the new craze: web logs. People log their activities or thoughts or rantings and ravings. Some employees use blogs to bash the companies they work for. I didnt want to be left in the technological dust, so I decided to put a blog on my web site (www.KimberlyAlyn.com). My blog says People who sit around all day reading or writing blogs need to get a life!
A 2006 United States study sponsored by Websense revealed some interesting statistics about people at work. It showed that employees spend nearly 25% of their time surfing websites that have nothing to do with their jobs. Over 16% of men and 8% of women admitted to viewing pornography sites while at work. The majority of them said they accessed those sites by accident yeah, sure you did! Stop screwing around surfing the web and do your stinkin job already!
Do you know what else is a colossal waste of time? Sitting around and talking trash about other people. Its called gossip. It sucks the life energy out of you and eats up valuable time. Maybe youve heard the saying Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, and great minds talk about ideas. Well if everyone would spend less time at work and at home focusing on other people and instead focus on ideas for improving their own lives, what a better world this would be! The only reason we talk negatively about others is so we can feel better about ourselves. We put others down to elevate ourselves. We feel small and insignificant in life and we need to somehow find value in who we are. So instead of improving ourselves and finding our purpose, we try to find value by comparing ourselves to others and determining why we are better in certain areas. We need to get a life! We waste too much time on crap like this.